What exactly is 'kosha' and 'halal' foods?!

Question: What exactly is 'kosha' and 'halal' foods!?
The girl on The Apprentice isn't the only one who doesn't know what they are!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

The term Halal applies mainly to meat and is used to say that it is OK for Muslims to eat!.The animal has to be killed in a certain way and Halal meat is never pork as Muslims don't eat that!.

Kosher food is food that is OK for Jewish people!.Like Halal, meat that is Kosher comes from animals killed in a certain way and again no pork as Jewish people don't eat it!.They also don't eat shellfish,and certain other animals such as some kinds of wild game-hares etc!.

However there are other aspects to Kosher food besides how the animal is killed and what kind of animal it was!.As an example Kosher rules forbid the mixing of dairy products with meat or slaughter by products!.This means that there is no Kosher version of many recipes-e!.g!. no such thing as a Kosher cream of chicken soup!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

halal food is the most clean food that requires special way to prepare!. it cares on the origin it came from, the way we clean it and the persons we picked form him!.
it is related mostly to the meat and chicken, there is a way we can clean the meat and chicken which make all the blood go out of the animal before cutting and using it!. besides the way that killing the animal, "specail way" which doesn't hurt the animal!.
besides other conditions, everything that takes mind away like " alcohols" is not halal!.!.!.!.
but kosha i don't know it!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Kosher is the word used for food that's approved for Jewish people diet, and Halal is the equivalent for Muslim people!. This does not mean they have the same conditions, but they coincide on the main thing like not eating pork and that the animals have to be killed a certain way in order to be able to be eaten!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

mar is essentially right, it's the way the foods are handled or prepared, and it goes beyond meat to include dairy foods and how ingredients can or cannot be combined when preparing foods!.

also Serena is right in that Kosher (not Kosha) is Judaic and Halal is IslamicWww@FoodAQ@Com

kosher i believe is food that is religously blessed to eat,,,,pig doesnt happen here,
halal meat is an animal who has its throat slit while it is concious under the rubbish idea that because the animal is concious the blood drains out of the carcass faster,,,,this according to every thing i have read on the subject is absolute rubbish,,,,
blood drains from the body faster when the animal is unconcious,,,because when it is concious the whole body is fighting to stay alive and trying to prevent blood loss,,,when out cold everything shuts down but the heart pumps blood out faster,
a practise no british slaughter man would be allowed to perform
another plus for multicultarismWww@FoodAQ@Com

Religious dietary restrictions!. "Kosha" is Jewish, "Halal" is Islamic!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


My friend told me the other day that halal meat is skinlessWww@FoodAQ@Com

I think they are Jewish foods!.!. i would googleWww@FoodAQ@Com

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