Making sushi..?!

Question: Making sushi!.!.!?
it is easy to make at home!.!? how long will it last in the frig or does it need to be all eaten when it is made!.!.!?

it is really all made with raw fish!. One recipes has salmon but does that really mean raw salmon!.!.!?

I love sushi and want to learn to make it myself!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is easy to make, my daughter and I do all the time- yes, if a sushi recipe calls for salmon, most likely they mean raw, smoked is used too, but usually it will say smoked salmon- you MUST buy sushi grade fish if you are going to make sushi at home!. Asian Markets and seafood specialty stores carry it and label it "sushi grade"

Sushi does not last long in the fridge- the rice dries out easily, the best bet is to make and eat it the same day!.

Necessary Equipment
Bamboo sushi-roll mat
Clean cutting board
Sushi knife or very sharp knife
A pack of roasted-seaweed (nori)
Wooden spoon or wood or plastic rice paddle for spreading
Plastic wrap

6 tablespoons rice vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
3 cups uncooked Japanese short or medium grain rice
4 cups water
5 sheets sushi nori (dried seaweed - the darker it is, the better the quality)
1 large cucumber
2 to 3 avocados
Fresh lemon juice
Cooked snow crab meat or imitation crab sticks
Wasabi (Japanese horseradish)
Soy Sauce
Pickled Ginger

In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine rice vinegar, sugar, and salt!. Heat mixture just until the sugar dissolves!. Remove from heat and let cool!.

Wash rice, stirring with your hand, until water runs clear!. Place rice in a saucepan with water; soak 30 minutes!. Drain rice in colander and transfer to a heavy pot or rice cooker; add 4 cups water!. If you don't have a rice cooker, place rice and water into a large heavy saucepan over medium-high heat; bring just to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes!. Turn off heat and leave pan, covered, for 15 additional minutes!.

Wash, peel, and seed cucumber!. Slice in half lengthwise, then cut into long, slender strips!. Cut the avocados in half lengthwise, then remove the pit; cut each section in half again (lengthwise), and carefully remove the peel!. Cut the section in long slender strips!. Sprinkle the sliced avocado with lemon juice to keep from discoloring!. If you are using snow, crab, remove the crab meat from the thicker portion of the legs and cut in half lengthwise!. If you are using imitation crab sticks, remove the plastic wrapping and cut each in half lengthwise!. Place the cucumber slices, avocado slice, and crab slices on a plate; cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until you are ready to use!.

When rice is done cooking, transfer to a large bowl; loosen rice grains gently with a wooden spatula or spoon by cutting and folding (do not stir, as this will crush the rice)!. Sprinkle the vinegar mixture over the rice, mixing together as you sprinkle (add enough dressing to coat the rice but not make it damp - you may not need to use all the vinegar dressing)!. Spread the hot rice on top of a large sheet of aluminum foil and let cool!.

Lay the bamboo sushi rolling mat on a cutting board with bamboo strips going horizontally from you!. Place a sheet of plastic wrap on top of the bamboo mat!. Place the nori on top of the plastic wrap (shiny side down)!. Spread a thin layer, 3/4 to 1 cup, of rice over 3/4 of the nori leaving approximately one inch of uncovered nori at each end (it helps to wet your fingers with cold water when you are patting the rice onto the nori)!.

Arrange strips of avocado and cucumber along the center of the rice; top with crab meat!. Placing your fingers on the ingredients, carefully bring the bottom end of the rolling mat and the plastic wrap up and over the ingredients (tucking the end of the nori to start a roll)!. Pull back the rolling mat and plastic wrap, as necessary, so it does not get rolled into the sushi!. Continue rolling the sushi and pulling back the rolling mat and plastic wrap, as necessary, until you have approximately 1 to 2 inches of the top of the nori showing!. Rub a small amount of cold water on the edge of the nori and bring the nori around so that it completes the sushi roll!. Gently squeeze the rolling mat around the sushi roll until it is firm and forms an even roll (be carefuly not to squeeze too hard, as you may crush the ingredients or squeeze them out)!. Wrap the plastic wrap around the roll and set aside until ready to cut or refrigerate or for longer storage!. Repeat with remaining 4 nori sheets to make additional rolls!.

Place rolls on a flat cutting board and remove plastic wrap!. Using a sharp knife, cut each roll into 8 pieces (wet the knife between each cut to make it easier to cut and keep the rice from sticking to the knife)!. Arrange California Rolls on a serving platter and serve with wasabi, soy sauce, and pickled ginger!. Always serve sushi rolls at room temperature!.

(NOTE: To make inside-out rolls, after spreading the rice on the nori, sprinkle with poppy or roasted sesame seeds!. Cover with a sheet of plastic wrap on top!. Lifting with the bottom plastic wrap, turn over the nori/rice sheet onto the bamboo rolling mat!. Remove top plastic wrap and proceed as above!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Its easier to make than you'd think!. It will last a day in fridge at most but is really best when its fresh!.
Yes, it is really made with raw fish!. Salmon, tuna, mackarel, yellowtail, butterfish, any oily fish usually works but those are the ones most often used and yes, they are all raw!. Make sure you get 'n nice filleted piece that you can cut into strips!. Eel and prawns are lightly cooked before added to sushi!.
You'll need proper sushi rice, sheets of nori [dried seaweed], rice vinegar, sugar, a rolling mat [made from bamboo usually], some cling-wrap for the mat, wasabi and soy sauce!.
And then of course all the ingredients you want to add such as avocado, cucumber, mayonnaise, sesame seeds, spring onions, cream cheese, anything that takes your fancy!.
It doesn't take long to make, probably around an hour, depending how much of it you make!.
Google it a bit, there's some great websites with step-by-step instructions on how to make the rice, roll it, the kind of fish to use, everything you'll need!.
Good luck! Its quite easy, its healthy and VERY yummy to boot! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

easy peasy to make, darling :)
takes about 45minutes though!.
maskes it with fresh, raw fish, avocado and cucumber!. and dont forget the soya sauce!. yum!

try this link :


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