How do you get an American Husband to try new foods??!

Question: How do you get an American Husband to try new foods!?!?
Hi all,
Ive been married for just over a year and my hubby still won't eat real ethnic food!. I am black and Japanese and i like both of those cultures of food!. I really love thai and indian, but my Husband will have no part of it!. He is a Meat and Potato boy!.

I can't even try and sneak vegi's in!. He picks them out!.!.

Any one with same problem have any suggestions!?!!?1

Last New year was my first ever with no Chiterlins!.!. ( I almost cried)Www@FoodAQ@Com

If he is hungry, he will eat it!. Make a pot of curry and tell him that is what he is having for dinner!. If he doesn't like it, he can make something else for himself!. He will soon learn to try new things!. I'm lucky that my boyfriend will eat anything, but if he didn't want to eat what I was making this is what I would say to him!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Deep fry everything, I am willing to bet if he likes french fries he will love tempura vegetables, prawns, whatever!. Oh and make your chiterlans if you love them, just because you love him doesn't mean you should give up food because he doesn't want to eat it!. Try taking the boring old american recipes & adding a little spice to it little by little(I add a little curry to chicken pot pie & my family loves it)Www@FoodAQ@Com

So I assume you are a good cook!.!.
and you Knew your dork was picky from the beginning!.!.
AND you allowed him to dominate you into cooking his way!.!.
Have you ever heard of Tough Love !.!.
Cook for yourself,,, your most delicious dishes ,,,serve it the best way you can!.!.
If he rejects it,,, Just point to the kitchen!.!.!.
(You may have too much for you to and have to waste a lot!.)
but if you prepare your Japanese dish with sashimi,, green beans, and asparagus,, and yellow squash, and dipping sauce!.!.And
If he has a temper tantrum get your self to a woman's shelter!.!.
If there is no respect,, there is no love,, and dominance can not be tolerated!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

make the little extras that you like, for you, i'd be damned if i'd stop eating the foods i love to please someone else,ain't that much love in the world, seems he's not giving up what he loves to eat for you, why should it be a one way street, when it's a two person commitment!. good luck, and keep eating what you enjoy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

hmm!? makes us wonder what was he like before you married him!?!.!. You should have had some idea, or did you never cook for him!?
anyways!.!. You have him now for better or worse!. so you just have to compramise!.!.
just cook him his meat/potatoes!. and cook your wonderful flavorful dishes and eat a long side him!.!. maybe one day he just might want to try!.!.!. I have several girlfriends whose husbands are like this!.!. One, beleive it or not!.!. we all went out over to her house for thanksgiving, we all brought wonderful dishes!.!. there was over 25 different dishes!.!. and can you believe her husband just drove over to Burger king for his whopper and french fries !!!!!! to eat with us!.!. I couldnt believe it!.!. but that was him!.!. still to this day!.!. So OH WELL!!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hand feed it to him!.!.and blindfold him!.!. just to see if he will like it, then if he likes it!.!. then tell him what it is!. !.

I havnt had that problem in my relationship before, probably because we live in Australia and eat different foods!.!. Just when it comes to something bitter, or weird tasting!.!.

Men can be like children sometimes!.!. crying and complaining when they dont like certain foods!.!. like my man!.!. bloody child!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Leave the man alone, you wouldn't eat something you don't like why force it on him!.

BTW; I tried "Chiterlins" and you can have that all to yourself!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Get him involved in the cooking!!!! You’ll be surprised what people will try if they have cooked it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm american and I have a dutch husband!. When I met him he told me he didn't like chicken!. I slowly introduced to new foods without telling what they were!. But I have to honest he was adventurous enough to eat it without knowing!. And made his judgement later!. He told me for years that chitlings were disgusting!. But in France they make a sausage called andouille with chitlins in it, and he ordered them unknowingly in a restaurant and loved them!. But you have got to have a man who will meet you half way!. Start small, and don't make it veggies!. My girlfriends' husband won't eat them either!. Try a meat dish, not too adventurous, make teriyaki, as an appetizer, I just saw a recipe on the new york times site with scallions and carrots in the middle and steak flatten and rolled over it!. That might be a start for him, but you got to coax him a bit with things that seem familiar to him and my second suggestion is make the foods you like for yourself and eat them without him!. Find a friend to join you!. My husband can't stand chicken livers and used to make them when he was on a business trip and share with a girlfriend or my dog!. Now my son eats them with me!. lol
Negima (Japanese Beef-Scallion Rolls)
Yield 4 servings
Time 30 minutes

Teriyaki sauce is a good accompaniment to negima, but I prefer the less complex but purer flavor of plain soy sauce!.
? 8 thin slices of beef, chicken, veal or pork, each about 3 inches wide and 5 or 6 inches long (about 1 1/4 pounds)
? 1/4 cup soy sauce, Asian fish sauce or teriyaki sauce
? Greens from about 2 dozen scallions
? 1!. Preheat a grill or broiler till blazing hot!.
? 2!. Place the meat between two layers of waxed paper or plastic wrap, and pound it gently so that it is about 1/8 inch thick!. Unwrap, and brush one side of each piece of meat with a little soy, fish or teriyaki sauce!.
? 3!. Cut scallions into lengths about the same width as the meat, and place a small bundle of them at one of the narrow ends of each slice!. Roll the long way, securing the roll with a toothpick or two!. Brush the exterior of the roll with a little more sauce!.
? 4!. Grill until brown on all sides, a total of about 6 minutes for chicken, 4 to 5 minutes for pork or veal, 4 minutes or less for beef!.
? Scallion greens are a wonderful filling for the rolls, but a fistful of chives works equally well, as do small amounts of lightly cooked and chopped greens, like spinach or chard!. Traditional fillings for these rolls are cooked shiitake mushrooms, carrots or asparagus; all produce gorgeous interiors after grilling!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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