What is your Sunday dish in your country?!

Question: What is your Sunday dish in your country!?
In Jamaica it is rice & peas and chickenWww@FoodAQ@Com

My mom would either make fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, or roast beef with Yorkshire Pudding (like a giant popover baked in a big cake pan)!.

Everyone in our family works Sundays, so we don't have a traditional meal like my family did when I was a kid!. Our family day is usually Wednesdays, and we go out to eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, I sadly am apart of a Greek family (with an English mother) so Sunday's are a mixture of both which is usually lamb, with pork chops and chicken also, Greek people seem to thrive on meat, apparantly!. Accommpanied with lemon potatoes, Greek salad, tzatiki, bread, stuffed tomatoes, dolmades!. With a separate serving of cold, lonely stuffing for my mother!. It's like frickin' Henry the Eighth's feast table up in here!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

As a kid growing up, we would have fried chicken or flour fried pork chops with rice and gravy made from the pan drippings and a couple of vegetables like mashed potatoes or green beans cooked in some sort of salt pork meat!. And sometimes we would have pot roast or stew beef and rice with a vegetable!. Biscuits or cornbread!.Those were great times I dont get to experience anymore!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

In my tradition , I am from south Texas and we as Hispanics eat Barabcoba or lengua with corn tortilla's and carnitas!. Barbacoba is the meat from the cow taken from all over the head and face, lengua is the cow's tongue !. carnitas comes from the pigs stomach were all the fat is stored , All that I have mentioned is very good and Delicious!. You should try it !. Here in Texas way in the south , There are many markets that only sell these items to eat only on Sundays This is done mainly for breakfast dishes in the Hispanic community!.(but everyone has their preference)!. Well, have a good day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We have so many ethnic groups here in America, we can't have just one!. Where I live in southeastern Louisiana, we have lots of Sicialn Italians, it's speghetti and meatballs!. I am from Mississippi Redneck stock and ours is Chicken and dumplings!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Down the pub for a few pints of guinness, home for a roast dinner with plenty of spuds, veg and gravy!. A couple of hours kip and back down the pub for 5 or 6 pints of the liffey water!. Then a chicken pathia with pilau rice and nan bread to top it off!. Can't beat it!Www@FoodAQ@Com

in the u!.s!. there's not really a certain sunday dish!.!.!.it's usually just whatever haha!.!.!.

although in the south, some families have a traditional homecooked meal!.!.!.sometimes it's fried chicken, pork or roast beef, always with vegetablesWww@FoodAQ@Com

In Ireland we have Bacon and Cabbage!!!! Well, not everyone, (there are vegetarians!.!.!.) but that's traditionally an Irish meal!.!.!. We also have spuds!!! (I don't know if other countries say spuds, I doubt it, but spuds are potatoes!.!.!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

My grandmother used to make Prime Rib roast, with oven-browned potatoes, and green bean casserole !.!.!.!.!. In the South, though, it might very well be fried chicken, with biscuits & gravy, mashed potatoes and beans w/bacon !.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Here in the Southern United States it's fried chicken, rice and gravy, vegetables, biscuits or cornbtread, and several desserts(pies or cakes)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Im South African- Indian!. I would say South African style mutton curry with soft potatoes and rice with a carrot and onion sald!.


Thai green curry(chicken) with jasmine rice


Roast lamb and grilled veggiesWww@FoodAQ@Com

The legendary Sunday Roast here in England :P
Roast beef/pork/chicken/whatever, Roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, Veg, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Macaroni pie, potato salad, stew chicken, callaloo and pigeon peas!.!.with some fresh salad and a glass of juice of course!.!.maybe some mauby!.!.I'm from Trinidad (and Tobago) btw!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There's no set Sunday dish in the USA!.

I would say the most popular is some type of roasted meat - beef, chicken or ham!.

Served with potatoes or rice and vegetables!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on what region you are from in India:

Idlis and dosas
biryani and raitaWww@FoodAQ@Com

In Canada, it bar-b-q in the summer and whatever you want the rest of the time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Gulash and really good meals!. Mostly there is 4-5 dishes and we all love to eat - HungaryWww@FoodAQ@Com

We usually eat macaroni & gravy on Sundays!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Whatever we want! USA is the place to be!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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