Is Kosher and Halal the same or similar?!

Question: Is Kosher and Halal the same or similar!?
Kosher (literally "ritually acceptable") foods are those that conform to Jewish dietary laws!.

Halal (an Arabic term meaning "permissible") refers to anything food that is permissible under Islam!.

They are similar but they are from different religions!. It is the Jewish / Islamic foods that are allowed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i cant speak for kosher with authority but i know about halal as i have lived in m!.e!. and was married to muslim halal means the meat has been killed by saying a prayer then slitting the throat and allowing blood to drain out fully, unlike our methods where the animal is stunned first which they say stops all the blood draining out!. anything that is labelled halal means it is suitable for a muslim to eat, haram means its something agains the religion!. pork for example is haram!.

i know that kosher is in some ways similar as jewish people are not allowed pork however they have different rituals for killing animals and also they are not allowed to eat certain foods together!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

its similar!. theyre religius diatary rules!. kosher food is a lot stricter!. and all kosher foods are Halal!. but not the other way around!. For example chicken can be halal-slaughtered and chicken is never kosher!. but kosher beef is halal!.

no prayers are said to 'make' anything kosher or halal!. thats a christian fundy idea!.

kosher means food adhears to the rules in deutoronomy 14 and leviticus 11 (i might have the chapters mixed up!.) Halal ofcourse has the same kind of rules!. but theyre in the koran, i do not know where!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Halal is when food has had Islamic ritual invoked onto it!. And I believe they are both unique for the respective religions, but for someone whom does not practise either religion it won't mean any difference!. I know for a fact that Halal is vital for Muslims, and they would not eat Kosher if the Halal option is avaliableWww@FoodAQ@Com

some what Kosher - Only the front half of the beast !.!.after bleeding is OK (the hind half is dirty)
it is all religious nonsense today!.!. left over from the roman sacrifices to the gods,,especially the ugly blood rituals
OK only a tiny few continue!.!.
all of God's animals are clean and wholesome!.!.
the food laws 2000 years ago no longer apply!. we got refrigerators and freezes!.now,,, cultures have exposed all the sea food that was damnation!.!.!.IT has been common daily food elsewhere in the world!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's very similar, the slaughter of the animal is the same!.
But in Islam the animal faces Mecca and verses from the Quran are said!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Kosher is the jewish term for food that is allowed
Halal is the muslim term for food that is allowed!.
Hope this helps :-)Www@FoodAQ@Com

same just different names but halal meat has an islamic prayer read over it while kosehr meat probs had a jewish prayer read over itWww@FoodAQ@Com

kosher = jewish

Halal = islamic

I think its killed diofferantly!.!.!.and prayers are said in respect of their gods!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

to which god!.!.!.!.!.!. i dont know!.!.!.!.but what i do know!.!.!.they dont existWww@FoodAQ@Com

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