Is it normal to throw up after having Indian food for the first time?!

Question: Is it normal to throw up after having Indian food for the first time!?
I went to an indian restaurant that was having a buffet and the food was pretty good I had Chicken Tika and beans, bread, and stuff and it was all very good, I only ate about two plates and was stuffed!. I felt okay until about 5 minutes after and then I was horribly nauseas and eventually puked!.

I usually enjoy spicy foods and everything was pretty well spiced but it wasnt overly spicy!. I thought maybe the chicken was bad but usually when I get food poisoning I feel bad for weeks and cant get the taste of the offending food out of my mind!. Right after I barfed I felt better immediately!. What went wrong!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Oh!. I love Indian buffets!. I eat all I can there, because I'm so cheap!. I literally stuff myself until I'm about to puke!. It's called, getting more than what you paid for! Then, I bring a large bag with me!. I take the food, like for example chicken tikka, and pour the whole dish into my bag!. People stare, but I think they're jealous they didn't think of it first!. Ha-ha!. So, it's chicken tikka for me for the next two days!. Then I go to the Indian buffet again the next day and collect my food!. I have no job, so this is my hobby!. I enjoy taking food from Indian buffet restaurants!. So!. What you need to do about your illness is do what I do!. By the time you do this for a couple of weeks, your stomach will be so used to Indian food you won't be barfing from it anymore!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, it's not normal!. Indian food is usually good, and if you're used to spicy food,you shouldn't have problems!.
I think the key word here is "buffet"!. Buffets are cheap for a reason- the food is disgusting and it's basically breeding ground for bacteria!. People constantly touch the utensils, drop them and pick them up, and you never know how often other people wash their hands!.
I don't think this could have made you sick 5 minutes after eating, but it can definitely make you sick afterwards!. If you want to stay healthy, avoid buffets!.
Is it possible that you overate!? Or that you are allergic to some spice that is used in Indian cuisine but not in your native cuisine!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

It could have been food poisoning, or maybe you're allergic to something in the food!.

I have a friend who is allergic to curry powder, which means she can't eat Indian food at all!. In fact, just walking by an Indian place will make her a little queasy!.

You may want to get tested for food allergies!. At least then you'll know what specifically to avoid!.

Obviously its not normal to throw up after eating any type of food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think you over ate, and by doing that maybe you had more oil in your stomach that you are used to!. Many think Indian and Asian food is healthy because of all the veggies, But East Indians also may cook with coconut oil and it doesn't sit well in some peoples' tummies, including mine!. I don't throw up but I need Pepto-Bismol!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Indian food is very good!. It is usu sally prepared with curry!. This is what you had the reaction to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is not normal to throw-up after any kind of food, first, second or hundredth time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No--I'm surprised!. Maybe you just ate too much!. I've eaten Indian food all my life, and it's never made me sick!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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