Do other countries refer to our food as 'ameican/canadian food?!

Question: Do other countries refer to our food as 'ameican/canadian food!?
We say 'Oh Im having chineese tonight, or mexican food' But do places like China say oh Im having american food (not fast food like McDonalds)Www@FoodAQ@Com

They might!. Maybe when they eat apple pie they say<"Yum, I love American apple pie!." I have to say it!.!.!.maybe when they go to put ketchup on something they call it Canadian ketchup!.=]Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes, we do!

no so much here is australia, as we have many similar foods, but we might refer to eating at US style restaurant (something like Hogs Breath = chain of "steak" houses, or buffet type places like sizzler) as 'going for american food', we say 'american hotdogs', meaning low quality sausage, on low quality soft white bread roll with tomato sauce and!.!. american mustard!

and places will say they serve 'NY or Boston style pizza' or 'NY bagel' or 'texan bbq' etc or say 'american hamburger/cheeseburger' to differentiate from Oz style burgers, which by law must have on them salad including beetroot!. (that is a joke!. of course it is not a law)!.

other countries do have cuisine movements based on 'american' style food, that they do call 'american', but yeah, it's not quite in the same way we say we're eating 'chinese', 'thai', 'polish' etc about cuisines which are more distinctive!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yep they do, but usually refer to "western" food!. I don't think the rest of the world really gets how sweet and fat loaded the American diet is, you seem to come across as being less chop chop and make it yourself than the rest of the world with huge portions in your take out and restaurants!. My Sister in law ordered an 'American Hamburger with the Works" in Korea once and used every single sick bag on the way home in the plane, I would love to visit a classic American Diner before I drop dead, and I want a NY Pastrami Sandwich and a Bagel with Cream cheese and salmon!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you know what!? i really dont know, ive wondered the same thing

i do know however, that mcdonalds' in china(yes, they do have them) serve the same kind of food as panda express)!.!.!.just fast food version of theyre food

same goes for mexico, italy, and such

kind of funny lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

i would think so, i mean, if i was in china and i want a burger, i would probably say,"I want american food!."Www@FoodAQ@Com

wat is american food!?!? like we eat food from all parts of the world !.!.!. is there a specific type of food thats american !.!.!.!. hhmmm never really thought of it !.!.!. would it be like hot dogs and burgers ans cheescake and salads !.!.!.!. hmmm i should ask lmaoWww@FoodAQ@Com

American food (home style food) is a roast, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans and apple pie!. Or hamburger, fries and a shake!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well I think they would just how we refer to China's food as Chinese food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes they doWww@FoodAQ@Com

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