What does 1 c.a moka de gingembre en poudre mean?!

Question: What does 1 c!.a moka de gingembre en poudre mean!?
I am translating a French cookie recipe to english using altavista and found a few terms I don't understand even if they are translated into english!.

[moka de gingembre en poudre]
[cafe de gingembre en poudre]

I am guessing they might be ginger powder but am really
annoyed with that moka/cafe!.!.

Please help!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Use 1 tsp of instant coffee with 1/2 tsp of ginger powder, as for the measurement for the water I liter equal 33!.36 ounces, divided into cent- liters which is 2!.36 ounces, so 5 cl with equal about 6-8 oz of liquid!.

I am a former chef from Canada grew up with the oz/lb measurement but was schooled in the metric system 30 odd years ago, there are converstion sites on the internet for any other recipe you may need help with!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm guessing moka/cafe poudre is coffee powderWww@FoodAQ@Com

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