Boiled peanuts?!

Question: Boiled peanuts!?
I love boiled peanuts!. Whenever I visit family in South Carolina, I eat millions!. No one up here in Rhode Island has heard of eating a boiled peanut!. Do you know where I can get some in Rhode Island or Connecticut!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am not sure where you could get them in Rhode Island or Connecticut, but you can order them on line!.

Or you could always boil your own if you can find green peanuts!.

Boiled Peanuts Recipe

Judging from the many variations on recipes for boiled peanuts, there appears to be no wrong way to boil green peanuts!. The important thing is the many tastings needed to determine when they are done!. You must taste test the boiled peanuts for saltiness and firmness, as some people prefer soft nuts to firmer ones!.

4 to 5 pounds green (raw) peanuts in shell
4 to 6 quarts water
1 cup plain salt

Wash unshelled peanuts thoroughly in cold water until water runs clear; then soak in cool, clean water for approximately 30 minutes before cooking!.

In a large pot, place soaked peanuts and cover completely with water!. Add 1 cup of salt per gallon of water!. Cook, covered, on high heat for 4 to 7 hours!.

NOTE: the cooking time of boiled peanuts varies according to the maturity of the peanuts used and the variety of peanuts!. The cooking time for a 'freshly pulled" or green peanut is shorter than for a peanut that has been stored for a time!.

Boil the peanuts for about 4 hours, then taste!. Taste again i 10 minutes, both for salt and texture!. Keep cooking and tasting until the peanuts reach desired texture (when fully cooked, the texture of the peanut should be similar to that of a cooked dry pea or bean)!.

Remove from heat and drain peanuts after cooking or they will absorb salt and become over salted!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I love boiled peanuts as well!. But it is rare to find them outside of the south!. Make your own they are very easy the hardest part will be finding raw peanuts still in the shell!.

In a large pot put 1 lb of clean peanuts in their shells with ~3 tablespoons of salt (more or less) cover with water cover and cook over high heat!. Keep the water level above the peanuts!. cook 4-6 hours test peanuts after 4 hours!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Walmart sells unroasted peanuts in the shell!. Just buy a bag or two, put in a crockpot with water and salt, and four-five hours later you've got boiled nuts!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am from the south and when I go home I purchase them from a super walmart!. I contacted a southern walmart and I have then ship then to me!. I am a boil peanut nut!. Got to have then nuts!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No but you can boil them yourself!.!.!.EWWWW!.!.!.!.!.!.Mushy!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Bless!.!.!. YahooWww@FoodAQ@Com

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