I feel terrible - vegies has this happened to you?!

Question: I feel terrible - vegies has this happened to you!?
I am a pesscatarian (I dont eat meat but i eat seafood) - n e ways I ordered a tandoori prawn dish and it turned out to be chicken!.
I now feel terrible that I consumed meat!. I only had two bites before I realised it was chicken!.

PS - it was in a restaurant in brick lane - they serve chicken and claim it is prawn! They swore blind it was prawn but 5 others at my table tried it and we all agreed stringy white meat is definately not prawn!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Anthony - just wondering how you came to the conclusion that fish breathe!.!.!. Or, indeed, that neither fish nor chickens are sentient!. One does not need higher mental function to be considered sentient!.

Back to school, kiddo!.

Asker - wouldn't worry about it, unless you're vegetarian due to allergies, or what not!. If it's a principled decision on your part, being decieved does not detract from that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, Assuming you don't eat meat-and you eat fish because fish feel no pain, then I would like to say that they have recently found out they do!. also, I would like to point out that anything that feels pain is sentient, or sadness, or happiness, by that deffinition dogs and cats are sentient beings, just like dolphins, whales, octopie, etc!. I wouldn't feel bad, fish is still meat, just meat of a fish!. just my personal opinion!.!.!. Or just don't worry 'bout it, if you didn't do it knowingly then you should try and forgive yourself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

They often use different types of seafood which have a very similar consistency to chicken in Indian cuisine!. It could have been a scallop, for example, these taste and have a similar texture to chicken!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is that u are a non vegetarian!.You kill others for ur food!.So it doesnt matter whether u ate Chicken or a prawn!.
Sorry If it is in ur relegion not to eat Chicken and that u may eat sea food!.
But I'll still be firm in my answer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well neither chickens nor prawns are sentient beings, so what does it matter if you ate a chicken or a prawn!? How come you don't eat meat, but you'll eat a fish - a living and breathing creature!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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