Lol my boyfriend and sushi?!

Question: Lol my boyfriend and sushi!?
my bf loves sushi and i growing upi never used to it and neither did my parents im not against it but i have never tried and im sorta nervous but since my bf eats it all the time i feel like im missing out and i wanna try it for him and myself!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you cannot stomache things that are very fishy tasting or smelling, then I would not try it!. It won't hurt you, it can just be kind of distasteful!. If you try one, start with a vegetable sushi and douse it with soy sauce or teriyaki!. If you eat it with meat, you might like it better if the meat has been parboiled, as opposed to raw (ceviche style)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yeah I would recomend eating sushi as it is one of the most delicious meals ever, if you want to eat sushi, firstly look at it, if it looks dry, dont eat it, if it smeel fishy dont eat it, as fresh fish rarely smells fishy, never douse it in soy sauce or anything, it just makes it taste horrible!. Maybe try a comon fish sushi first, like tuna or salmon, or cooked prawn or if your not so adventurous try an omelette sushi, also sushi is different to a sushi roll, and regular sushi rarely has seaweed on itWww@FoodAQ@Com

Well, seeing that you're interested is a first step!. My girlfriend ABHORS fish!. She absolutely hates it!. But little by little, she started to try more and more!. She went from cucumbers to California rolls ( cooked, so dont worry )!. And the fishes that grows parasites, aren't they mainly river fishes!? I remember hearing those stories, and it always begins with the people going camping!.

Real sushi chefs uses Fishes from the sea (cept for eel, which they sometimes opt for fresh water, as it comes out the tastiest)!. Sometimes farmed fishes are used, but I'd rather not eat that as it contains higher traces of mercury, the stuff in thermometers your mom tells you not to drink!.

also, some sushi isn't raw fish, like the lion king!. THAT is one tastey cooked roll!.

edit side note: hey thierryhenry_101, how much does a ths-02 hybrid style convoy prime cost over there, both in yens and dollars!? You are one lucky person!! i would love to live in japan and play pachinko hahah!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Screw that, I will NEVER eat raw fish!. I've seen tooooo many shows on the animal planet about parasites!. You usually get it from undercooked fish, and sometimes meat!.

Google it!. There was one guy that got a worm and had it for 10 years before he knew he had it!. :| also, one guy had a worm in his eye ball!.!.!.!.

I had nightmares for weeks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I wish people would learn that Sushi refers to the rice and the way the rice is prepared!. Not the raw fish which is called Sashimi!.

You can have a Tuna Roll made with canned tuna!. A California Roll that has no raw fish!. A Cucumber Roll!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well, u can first try the rice first then go along with some other things such as maki (crabstick) etc!. but try not to eat way too much at one go as it MIGHT (i'm not saying it will) cause indigestion!. So go for it girl!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

So eat some
the sushi with chiken in it is goodWww@FoodAQ@Com

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