Is the Mexican food here in USA are not really like the "real" Mexican food?!

Question: Is the Mexican food here in USA are not really like the "real" Mexican food!?
When I go to a Thai or Chinese restaurants, I would found that their food are just not like the real Asian way (btw, I'm a Thai Chinese) the food are more like an American-Chinese or Thai-American!. So,I have been wondered if the Mexican food I had here are more like Mexican-American food too!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would not have been able to answer this had I not gone to Mexico for two weeks a while ago!. The food there was fresh! Occasionally the traditional tastes of the cuisine surfaced (cilantro, cumin, etc) but by and large, the food was fresh fish or chicken served with rice, spicy tomato sauces and minces, smoky mole sauces, flat breads, cactus salad!.
I have eaten fresh authentic Mexican food in the USA but it is hard to find!. Mostly Americans eat snack food that only vaguely passes as "Mexican"Www@FoodAQ@Com

Probably not, your local Taco bell or other Mexican restaraunt uses lots of ingredients, though tasty, are not known or not affordable to the average Mexican!. These include tomatoes, lettuce, cheese and sour cream!. A "real" taco is nothing more than a small tortilla with some ground beef or chicken!. That's it, no spices, nothing!. A real tostada is a flat, hard tortilla with some meat on it, and nothing else!.

Refried beans and tortillas is just about your basic Mexican meal!. Fried eggs and beans for breakfast, which is a lot better than it sounds!.

Most Mexican food is actually bland, it's the flavorings and peppers that will knock you down if you don't know what you're eating!.

And to complete the meal you need to get a bottle of Joya apple soda in a glass bottle!. Sounds funky but it's delicious!.

Detroit has a "Mexican Village and there are many Mexican restaruants and shops!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yeah its similar!. u have to go to a location where the specific ethnicity is represented very well!. for example if your in texas or arizona or souther california the mexican food is very mexican!. but if your in oregon or iowa or the east coast its more american than mexican!. just the same as if your in san francisco you can get some legitimate chinese food but if your in florida probably not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well I am going to be brutally honest, I love Mexican food,It is wonderful!. I am aware that the Mexican food in the US has been Americanized and that is what I am used to!.I went to Cancun and ate authentic Mexican food and did not like it at all!. It is a big difference and to be honest if all Mexican food taste like it did in Cancun it would not be a popular cuisine in America!. I must say I did go to the Isle Mujers and the cuisine was better!. diffrent regions cook different and I am sure it would be hard to have so many different variations of Mexican food, we have TeX Mex and the Americana Mexican version here in the USA it is wonderful!. Mucho Gracias!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You are probably not going to find true Mexican food in restaurants!. The best food will be in the kitchens of those good cooks from Mexico ans other countries!. Just like what you experience with Asian food!. I have learned so much about cooking dishes from my Asian and Mexican Friends that sometimes my stuff tastes better than theirs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You're 100% right!. Authentic Mexican food is not like what they serve in restaurants in the US, its more Tex-mex of Mexican American food!. The real stuff can only be tasted in Mexico (not the turist areas) they serve the same stuff there!. By the way I am from Mexico and I live in Virginia!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Possibly the best Mexican food in the world can be found in San Diego!. It is right on the border and has a large Mexican population as well as so many workers who come across to for the day!. On the other hand, it is in the US where we have generally higher hygiene standards than they have in Mexico!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i am Mexican, so i know how the real Mexican food tastes like!. And the food they serve here that is nothing like the real Mexican food!. The only place you would find real Mexican food is if you become friends with a Mexican who knows how 2 cook authentic Mexican food or go 2 Mexico!.

Almost all of the ethnic restaurants have to appeal to Americans!. In order to do so, they must Americanize it to the best of their ability so they can STILL call it "Mexican" food, yet make it more fatty and less spicy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Mexico is a very large and complex country with various cuisines, e!.g!. those regions by the sea use more fish, etc!. You can get an idea about traditional Mexican food by getting a good authentic Mexican cookbook!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes!. ever hear of the term 'tex-mex!.' it reffers to americanized mexican food!. if you want real mexican food, try mexico! lol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

not even close !.!.!.unless you go to one of those lil shops!.!.!.!.its sooo much better made authentically!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes!. Real Mexican food is much better!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

not in a restaurant!.
find a home cooked mexican meal if u want the real thingWww@FoodAQ@Com

i live in texas been to mexco it is a little differentWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yeeess!. B!.cause it is in North America!. !.!.!.so, its!.!.!.!. different !Www@FoodAQ@Com

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