What kind of rice do Asians eat?!

Question: What kind of rice do Asians eat!?
I understand that it is a big part of their diet, and a lot of them are slim/thin!. But I thought rice had carbs in it and wasn't good for you to eat a lot!. Or is that just white rice!? So what kind of rice should I be eating if I want to adopt an Asian diet!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

The Chinese normally use long grain rice, which produces a fluffier rice!. Ask for Fragrant rice from Thailand this will make good white rice!.
2 cup of rice(serves 3 small bowl) add about 3 cups of water(different rice quality will get you different result, if the rice is too dry add more water to cook or presoak the rice!.)
Yes rice has carbs so are pasta or bread and etc!. so just limit the amount!.
Asian has smaller bone frame don't you think most of them are shorter!. lot of them are slim/thin because they eat lots of soup(no cream), steam or stir fry which is less oily, lots of vegetable and tofu which is not as fatty as the westerner where lots of deep fry, cheese and meat!.
like if you want egg choose hard boiled not fried or scambled

Quality Indian basmati is used in biryani dishes due to its long grained shape, fragrance and delicate flavour!. this rice has less moisture but it has a good texture, more chewy

if you are dieting choose or add some brown rice in you white rice when cooking it will be more nutrious and more fibre!. Brown rice takes longer than white rice to cook, so increase the amount of water slightly!. Brown rice doesn't have the fluffy texture of white rice, but its nutty flavor and chewy texture makes brown rice a tasty way to get fiber into your diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Japanese eat a short grain white rice or genmai (unhulled rice)!.

However, the most important point to remember is that all of their portions of food are very small!. A woman will usually eat about a half cup of cooked rice, along with the rest of her meal!. As a whole, Asians do not eat the same size portions or quantity of food that other nationalities consume!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Chinese usually eat long grain; jasmine and med!. grain rice!. Japanese usually like short or med!. grain rice (it's a stickier rice)!.

Most rice have are high with glycymic index (GI) such as!. The highest in starch and GI are in the following order:

Jasmine Rice
Long Grain Rice
Short & Med!. Grain Rice

For the health conscience, consider:
Brown rice
(it has the lowest GI)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Usually they eat pilau rice, or taiwanese!.
Here is a link


Asians are genetically prone to be small and thin, like some africans (not all)!.

also, they may eat rice but not so much!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Indian Basmati is healthier - has a low GIWww@FoodAQ@Com

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