Why does people think dog eating is wrong???!

Question: Why does people think dog eating is wrong!?!?!?
I see no difference between eating dogs and eating pigs and cows!. In fact pigs have a higher intellect than dogs!. And if dogs are raised as livestocks there is no difference!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Okay, so I will make a stab at this since so many people are missing the point!.

Pigs may be very intelligent creatures, but that's not what we've bred them for!. Pigs, cows, sheep, turkeys, chickens, etc!. have been bred specifically to become meat for our tables as quickly and with as high of a quality as possible!. The fact that some pigs are smarter than some dogs (arguably smarter than most dog breeds, but not "smarter" that some of the most intelligent breeds) is an interesting factoid, but not particularly relevant to this discussion!.

Dogs have been bred (in Western society) to be pets, helpers, hunters, or guard dogs!. So we have specifically bred them to be attractive, genial, subservient, etc!. We accept them into our households to be our pets, workers, helpers, etc!. and when we do they become part of our family and we become their pack!. To eat them would make us cannibals!.

Now, I would eat dog if I were starving to death, but I don't think I'd eat "my dog!." See, that's the difference!. If I raised chickens or rabbits as food, I would always be intending them to be food, not family or a pet!. I might still get attached to one and then it would become my pet and then I wouldn't want to eat it either!.!.!. this happens on farms too!.

I would also eat dog if I were served it in Vietnam or another country where it is regularly consumed!. I would do my best to give it a fair shake and not be all "American" about it!. I agree, if the dogs are being raised as livestock, then there is no difference!.

But do not tell me that there is no difference between eating a dog and a pig in these here United States!. We don't raise dogs as livestock here, nor breed them as such!.

People are different all over the world!. In India people would be horrified to see someone butchering a cow and eating it!. In some places eating monkey brains is considered a great delicacy, but most zoologists would be horrified to be served it!. In our country we ask nicely that you refrain from eating our dogs!. (Oh, and I won't be eating my neighbor's potbellied pig pet either!.)

Let's save the cats for another day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A lot of people think that eating an animal that is typically raised as a pet is taboo!. Especially people who think of their animals as surrogate children!. So it's probably really creepy for those people!.

The only thing different might be the taste!. I'm sure if someone was raised eating dogs they wouldn't see it as wrong or weird at all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have no problem with it, and hear it is very good!. I grew up eating horse meat and now can't find it in the U!.S!.


Years ago I read an account of a man in San Francisco explaining to a Vietnamese friend that we don't eat dogs because they are our friends!. When asked about horses, the same reply was made!. Then the Vietnamese man spotted canned horse meat and asked why he had been lied to, When it was explained that we feed horses to dogs, he decided he didn't want any American friends!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I totally agree!! I guess its something that Americans just didnt get into!.!.!.!.maybe because the dogs way back in the day started working with man to guard their sheep and livestock!. But you're right!.!.!.it is NO different than eating any other kind of animal!. Maybe if more people had cows as "pets" than we wouldnt eat them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because they wag their tails! Back in the 1970's ,I remember grocery stores selling horse meat,not that it has anything to do with eating dogs,but horse lovers had a big problem with it!. I think if you were truly starving to death you would eat dogs,cats or rats!. etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's all about culture and mentality!.
I'm from Central Asia, and heard about dog eating!. But I was shocked when heard zebra, giraffe (and so on exotic animals) can be eaten as well!.
It all depends where you grew up, and to what traditions you are used to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah I am with you, I couldn't care more or less if people eat dog, cat, spider, horse or whale etc!. In fact I have tried horse, and it was delicious (In Japan), and can't wait to go to other Asian countries to try the others!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is the law here in the USA and most of Europe!.
even the Fox hunt is being stopped!.!.
as you point out they are NOT raised as livestock but rather family in most casesWww@FoodAQ@Com

In Western culture dogs are pets and family members!. So we see them differently!. Same thing with cats!. But in other parts of the world they don't have the same emotional attachment to dogs and cats!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's just a cultural thing!. People from the US have never eaten dog and people from other countries consider it okay!. It's all where you have been raised and under what customs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because dog is mans best friend!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

because people love dogs!. But thats me!. Best answer plzz!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You have to admit that it's not very appealing!. I think I'll pass!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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