Pizza... HELP!!!?!

Question: Pizza!.!.!. HELP!!!!?
Suddenly I feel like I really want to eat pizza!. Any kind of pizza!. Sadly I'm 13 and I can't just order it!. But!.!.!. both of my parents are gone and I'm free to use the kitchen! Of course, making a real pizza with dough would take too much time and my Dad will be back in about 40 minutes!. So, after thinking for about 10 minutes I finally decided to make bread pizza!. Great! Actually, not so!. All the recipes on the internet require white bread and I only have brown bread!!! Great!.!.!.!. Plus, I don't have any oregano!.!.!. WHAT TO DO!?!?!?!? Help, please!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Bread pizza is not an exact science!. I grew up in Italy for many years, so believe me when I say that a good pizza is just one you like!. If you have brown bread, use that!. You don't *have* to use oregano if you don't have any!.

All you need to do is: put some chopped tomatoes/thick tomato sauce on the bread slices, put cheese on top (sure, sliced mozzarella would be ideal but if you only have grated cheddar use that, or even a good brie!.!.!. experiment, it's hard to go wrong), put whatever other toppings you want on the cheese (remember, ham will curl up and shrink so be generous with it; same for mushrooms and anything which is largely water) and, finally, any spices on top (oregano, black pepper, peperoncino, tabasco!.!.!. nothing at all is fine)!. Then just grill it until it all looks done!. To be more specific, the cheese should be well melted and *just* about browning over!.

Like I said!.!.!. it's trial and error!. Use whatever you have at home: succesfull improvisation is the mark of a true genius, after all ;-)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Okay, USe anykind of bread you have or english muffins also work great!.

SImple Recipe:

Tomato Sauce / Paste
any other toppings you like (pineapple, Ham, Onion etc)

Put it in the oven at a moderate temperature untill cheese melts!.

Have fun and i hope this helps!Www@FoodAQ@Com

It'll be fine to make with brown bread!.!.!.it'll taste a little different, understandably, but it won't be wrong!
And as for not having oregano, it's okay! The best part about making pizza is, aside from the dough, there's no real wrong way to make it!. Don't have oregano!? Use basil, or parsley, any kind of herb!. And if you don't have ANY of those, leave em out!

It'll be just fine :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would just take whatever bread you have at your house!. Take a teaspoon full of pasta sauce and cover the bread with the sauce and spread it out to just about the edge and then spring it with cheese and either melt it in the over or put it in the microwave and melt the cheese and then Enjoy!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just use the brown bread!.!.!.!.it will be healthier!.!.!.!.and get in the spice drawer and find out what your mom has that could go on pizza!.!.!.like basil and garlic!.!.!.you would be surprised what tastes good on pizza!.!.!.!.have you ever tried corn!? In my part of the world it is very common!. So use your imagination and go wild and if all else fails!.!.!.Dad is home so and I am sure he will order a real pizza for you! Could always call him to pick one up on the way home!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Wait til you can go shopping for the needed components!Www@FoodAQ@Com

make a quasadilla - -(sp)
tortilla salsa cheese
oven not required ,,pan fryWww@FoodAQ@Com

if u have english muffins u can just put the sauce and cheese on that then put it in the oven for a little!. or ask your dad to pick up bertolliWww@FoodAQ@Com

you are crazy!!!
just eat something then u will feel better!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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