What foods & desserts do we eat in America that were originally Hungarian?!

Question: What foods & desserts do we eat in America that were originally Hungarian!?
Like strudels are austro-hungarian!. My grandmother always made stuffed peppers & stuffed cabage & said it was hungarian, not sure if thats true!.!. But what foods are eaten in AMerica that we might not think are Hungarian!? Thanks!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

The spice that most think of when talking about the culinary of Hungary is paprika (red pepper) which has been cultivated and refined over the past 2 thousand years in this region!. Needless to say it is one of the most important ingredient of many of the dishes!. A part of the "base" for soups and stews!. Dishes with predominance of paprika are called "paprikas", served with sour cream sauces for fish, fowl and veal dishes!. Note: the paprika used is very rarely the hot spicy type!. For those that desire this, usually add their own from a locally made hot paste Eros Pista (it will blow your socks off)!.

Hungarian Goulash (Gulyás), as the most famous of Hungarian culinary creations, uses much of this spice and is delivered in the form of a rich soup/stew type dish, containing onions and small potatoes!. Chicken Paprikas, another world famous Hungarian dish, using plenty of paprika, producing a mouthwatering result!. Usually served over small dumplings drenched in the liquidy brew the chicken cooks in!.

Onions are also a very common ingredient, diced and slightly browned in oil adding a delicious flavor to many dishes!. Or served sliced on grilled meats and salads!. Fresh spring onions (looks like grass) is also very popular on sandwiches and creamy spreads!. Parsley is also a common and well liked ingredient as are bay leafs, caraway seeds, tarragon and marjoram used in many recipes!. Rarer spices such as saffron and ginger discovered along the way during the great migrations also are a part of some of the special dishes!. Sour cream is an integral part of the Hungarian cooking in the sauces and soups and even desserts!. The oils used are mainly sunflower seed oil but pumpkin seed oil is also found in the preparations!.

Goulash is probably one of the most "tried" and attempted dish prepared outside the country and just about any meat stew with paprika is commonly referred to as Goulash!. However, it goes deeper then this if you truly wish to prepare this dish the authentic flavorful way!. While the real stew has several forms, such as gulyas, porkolt or tokany, it does require the special processes, "in proper order" to be administered!. Goulash is soup with onions, paprika and cubed potatoes and noodles!. Porkolt is a ragout with meat and minced onions in a thick smooth sauce!. Finally, Tokany, while similar, using strips of meat contains more vegetables in it's thick sauce!. Such as mushrooms, small potatoes, peas, carrots and other vegetables, naturally in a creamy sour cream sauce!. Flour is usually avoided in these stews as a thickener!.

Due to the fact that Hungary has a lot of waterways and lakes, fish is also on top of the list of favorites from soups to stews!. Probably the best known and one of the tastiest is lake Balaton pike-perch (fogas) which can weigh as much as 20 lbs (10 kg)!. Best eaten fresh, found at most restaurants around the lake Balaton!. Another favorite is sturgeon (tok) from the river Tisza, known for it's great taste and lack of small bones!. River trout is also available in Hungary and can be found fresh, in live fish tanks in larger hypermarkets!. Easily distinguished by its black spots and silver body!. Carp, found in many varieties, is also popular!. Hungarian Fish paprikas (halaszle), is a soup favored by most natives, with large chunks of fish in a semi-hot (spicy) soup!. Well worth trying in a restaurant, to indulge in real local cooking!. Sometimes prepared in a very nostalgic "nomad" way, in a large kiln pot, hung on a tripod over an open fire!. Another great preparation is Hal Paprikas which has a batter that contains lots of the red gold (paprika)!. It usually includes at least 3 kinds of fish when served, catfish, carp or another local variety!. Layered on top of noodles or a typical local pasta Turos Csusza (cottage cheese mixed with noodles)!.

Hungarian sausage is also a common traditional food!. With "pig slaughter" taking place in most rural family households traditionally in November or December, as a family affair!. The products produced at these family pig slaughters provided meat (mostly in the smoked state) that lasts through the rest of the cold winter ahead and even into the summer!. Sausages come in several varieties and consistencies (usually the Pick brand in stores is the best)!. Blood sausage; prepared with pigs blood (diluted with milk), pork, bacon black pepper and marjoram!. Liver sausage; made with pig liver, lemon, garlic and marjoram!. These are usually the "cooking" kind where you brown the sausage in lard or oil before serving with rice or potatoes!. The other type of sausage is the smoked sausage made with paprika and other secret spices according to tradition and can be eaten on a sandwich!. Yet another is the Winter Salami (teli szalami) which is thicker and more aromatic!.

Holiday cooking

Especially Christmas and New Year usually is highlighted with a roast of suckling pig!. Crisp and golden, with an apple in it's mouth!. Served with vinegary red cabbage as a main side dish, naturally with potatoes and many different kinds of steamed vegetables!. Hungarian tradition prescribes this roast pig feast at New Year's day to bring good luck for the coming year!. Stuffed cabbage with sour cream and a thick soup of cabbage with "cooked-in" potatoes with breaded veal slices on the side are also common!. Hungarian Carnival doughnuts (fank) are a favored dessert this time of year, served piping hot with powdered sugar sprinkle and fruit jams!. The winter drinks inlclude Hot wines, prepared in a large pot with tropical fruits and a mixture of wines, cinnamon and other sweet spices!.

A traditional Easter meal is smoked ham, spiced with sweet herbs and oven cooked to perfection!. Served sliced with fresh spring vegetables of spinach, onions, radishes and peas!. When eating the finished ham dipped in a little horse radish makes this a magnificent and unique meal according to Hungarian traditions!. Easter lamb is another favorite in the form of a "lambs head soup", Transylvanian tarragon lamb, lamb paprika stew with sour cream, lamb chops and leg of lamb dishes!. Horseshoe or rolled nut cakes are also a favorite, containing either poppy seed or walnuts!. Strudels (retes) are very traditional, made with the high quality Hungarian flour, makes them very distinctive!. Rolled up within are either apples, sour cherries or other favored fruits put away from last years seasons in well preserved jars, in whole!.

I am from Hungarian decent, and goulash and stuff peppers, had that oh plenty!. However I don't like Hungarian cuisine I prefer more Italian, Mexican and Southern Cooking!. So that is what I cook!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My Hungarian grandmother made palascinta, a type of crepe, filled with apricot preserves!. She also made crescent cookies filled with walnuts!. I haven't seen these around the US!. If I found them, I would eat them up!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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