How come Americans make better Mexican food than true Mexicans do?!

Question: How come Americans make better Mexican food than true Mexicans do!?
I have been all over Mexico and very few place down there can even make a good taco the proper way!. I guess there are just some ethnic groups who can't do anything properly!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

LMAO!.!.!.I am going to assume you were joking!.

You were, right!?!?!?

People get upset too easily!.!.!.!.!.!.!.oh and lump entire societies together based on one person's comments!. That seems more ignorant than this question!. At least this is a question (and not a serious question at that)!. The ignorant statements made about the asker's culture (or lack thereof) were based on the assumption that the person making the statement has knowledge of the askers entire culture!. Thus proving the statement maker and the statement ignorant!.

Or something like that!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

: )Www@FoodAQ@Com

The fact of the matter is that any ethnic food (mexican, chinese, indian etc) in its true ethnic taste can only be eaten by the people of the respective ethnicities!. That is because they have been ating that food from childhod and their tastebuds have developed accordingly!. When an ethnic food is prepared for consumers who do not belong to he same ethnicity it is modified to suite the tastebuds of the outsider and sometimes the taste of the fusion recipe turns out to be better then that original!. You will feel the same if you try chinese food in china or indian food in india!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

LMAO!!! Do you know how racist you sound!? Anyways, when you say "Americans", do you mean Taquerias on THIS side of the border, Taco Bell, the Roach Coach or just Homestyle!? In Mexico, food is prepared authentic!. They don't even have burritos down there because from what I hear, it's not authentic!. also, they serve the food with custom in mind, so it won't taste like what you're used to out here!. So what you ordered, was most likely prepared how it should of been; and not because someone was ignorant!. Make sure you're polite when you order though!.!.!. so the pupusas you order aren't actually poo-poo-sas!.!.!.:)Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. "Eres ignorante"!.

2!. Taco Bell vs!. authentic Mexican cuisine!.!.!.most people like the latter if they get a chance to try it!.
If you like Americanized Mexican cuisine, then that's fine!. It's important to know that saying "Americans make better Mexican food" is SUBJECTIVE and a statement that most people would disagree with!.

3!. "I guess there are some ethnic groups who can't do anything properly"---prejudiced much!?

I can go on and say Americans make better cars and beer than the Germans, Americans make better sushi and seafood than the Japanese, Americans make better ____ than ____!.!.!.

Those are all opinions, albeit stupid ones!.

Here's MY opinion: people like you make Americans look uneducated and ignorant!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You're going to the wrong Mexican Restaurants then!. I could easily name 10 Mexican restaurants owned and operated by Hispanics who cook it authentically here in St!. Louis!. My personal favorite is Mi Ranchito, although some may go with El Burrito Loco!. If you're having a hard time finding authentic Mexican food that tastes great it's because you've probably eaten Taco Bell one too many times!. Taco Bell over seasons everything and it's not necessary in authentic Mexican cooking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Every one makes food the way they want to!. Who says Americans are making it right!? They may tone it down for Americans, ask them!. I am of Mexican heritage, I have gone to many Mexican resturants here in the states, I have not found true Mexican food!. It has been Americanized I believe to draw in the business, it may smell good, but Growing up we ate the true stuff, and if you don't sweat, You are not eating the real enchilada!. I asked for some real red chile in one restaurant!. They brought out a bowel of salsa mixed with texas pete , no joke, it was gross!. most of the staff are not even Mexican!. Stop complaining and open your own Mexican restaurant see if you can do better!. My guess is you want lot's of answers any way, so thumb me down!. Adio's loco *ringo!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

WRONG-O!. I've eaten at authentic Mexican/El Salvadorean restaurants and their food is WAY better than Taco Bell can ever serve!. If your palate is just accustomed to Americanized versions of ethnic cuisine, it's your right---but I pity you!. Ethnic food is some of the best ever, bar none!.

And to all of you who answered up above me: you're hearing this from a natural-born TEXAN who loves international food and isn't ashamed to admit it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah, well I guess the others are putting you straight pretty quick! What you Americans call a "taco" is not even known as a "taco" in Mexico so its you Yanks who actually not only can't make a taco the proper way, but you idiots don't even KNOW what a real taco is!

What you call a "taco" up in "Gringolandia" we would call a "toastada" down here in Mexico!. The "proper way" is the MEXICAN way, Bozo! Now don't get me wrong, I love "American style" Mexican food, just like I love real Mexican food!. If it tastes great, it IS great, that's my motto!. Every time I get up to Texas or Arizona I love to eat Tex-Mex food, I'm not complaining about the food, I'm complaining about YOUR ignorance, Slick!

Yes, there ARE "ethnic groups who can't do anything properly," and they're called AMERICANS you racist Bozo!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Rubbish! Singaporeans make better Mexican food than Americans - corr i can't believe i said that!

I think it's a matter of getting an "acquired taste"; for instance, if I have been enjoying Tex-Mex fare in Singapore restaurants I may find the ones in Texas-Mexico not to my liking or taste!. You probably acquired a taste for Mex cuisine in America, therefore you think those from South of the Border don't live up to your concept of Mexican food!. What you believe can't be true!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You racist little troll!.

Lol!.!.!.!.oh yeah!? Well, what's a 'proper taco' and how in the hell can you screw it up!? It doesn't require an aptitude test, dude!.
Whaddya do: Get tortilla!. Fill tortilla with ingredients!. 'Secure' tortilla by folding sides over each other!.!.

I've never been to Mexico but you clearly need to move to San Antonio!. These Mexicans down here can cook their a**es off!.!.!.
The best restaurants, by far, are the mom/pop shops ones--where no one can speak a lick of English!.
Well except for the manager and even then communication is drastically reduced to pointing, gesturing, and a whole lot of 'Uhh's!.!." and "Hmm's!.!.!." on my part

!.!.!.and as they leave you wonder, "How in the hell'd they get in the country like that--y'know!.!.!.'undetected'!?" But you bite into that barbacoa taco or a bowl of hot Menudo and you cease to really give a damn!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The main difference between American food products used to make Tex mex and other food is that American food is much more processed and preserved by adding unpronouncable ingredients and over-salting!. Not that American food is bad, but maybe you just had a bad cook!? Try again, and at a different restaurant!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There's not much else I can say about this, everyone who has answered so far has been 200% correct about what an ignorant question this is! And why say :I guess there are just some ethnic groups who can't do anything properly!. When they were the ones who started/invented thes foods that Americans take for grantesd :O I figure there's not much more to add!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Your preference is merely relative!. Every country gets to localize the taste of foreign dishes served in it, making it more appealing to the locals!.

For instance, I am a foreigner living in Malaysia, and Malaysians prefer the taste of Pizza hut in here (which loads all pizzas with pineapples and spices) over the true American Pizza!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I won't disrespect, but I will say this to you I have travelled this world and have tried many different types of food (I am American)!. If you allow yourself to open up to other people's way of looking and tasting things then maybe you will get it!. Here in the U!.S!. we do things our way, we take and take and make it our own the same goes for Japanese food, Chinese food especially, Mexican, European, as well as Caribbean food!. Talk with a Mexican friend (if you have one) and ask to eat over you will totally see the difference first hand!. Final thing be open mindedWww@FoodAQ@Com

Did you just say that ethnic groups cant "do anything right"!? Come on man, no one is that blatantly ignorant!. Yes, authentic mexican food tastes a little different crossing the border!. Not as salty as we would like but that is just cultural difference and preference!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Unfortunately it is how your initial experience with Mexican food has programmed your taste buds!. The domestic tacos here are catered to the American palette!. Fortunately, in Mexico you experienced a taco in its purest state, the ways the taco are meant to be, which differ by region!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well there are several reasons!.

One we Americanize everything!. You are used to American food and not THEIR food so you enjoy it more here!.

Two!.!.Mexico is like Italy!. They have so many ways of cooking and it is regional and you can go into the same town and ask for the same dish and you will get two different things!.

In Italy!.!.for instance!.!.!.some parts use goat cheese and others use milk because they don't have the land to raise cattle!. The cheese is different because it is made from sheep and goat and cow! Mexico is somewhat the same!. It is regional cooking!. It cooks with whatever they have in that region!. It might not be the same in other parts!.

THREE!.!.!.!.How do you know OUR tacos are the RIGHT tacos!? They are just the ones you PREFER because you might have been raised on them!

FOUR!.!.!.we have different ingredients and they are processed differently and they use fresher foods where we rely on seasons on what fresh foods we use!

But you are right!. Mexicans and Italians and some other countries argue about how to make different dishes!.!.!.it is WE who don't know how to make those foods the right way!

I say!.!.!.HEY!.!.!.the more variety the better!Www@FoodAQ@Com

shay is right!. Do you expect it to be swimming in nacho cheese, shredded lettuce, guacamole and chopped tomatoes because that's how your local Taco Bell serves it!?

Do you think that Olive Garden is more authentic "Italian" than food cooked by Italians!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

well actually it's because we do it the american way and we put stuff in the taco that we like and that comes from america thats y we r so used to it!. in mexico the do it the actual "normal" way!. because they add things that we aren't used to because it was grown or made in mexicoWww@FoodAQ@Com

thats sooo stupid
its because mexicans dont have all the stuff americans do to put on their food, research REAL mexican food, and you will learn tht their burritos/tacos are tortillas w/ beans!.!.!.!.THATS IT!!!!
the dont have sour cream, cheese, lettuce, and all of that other junkWww@FoodAQ@Com

the american version of mexican food is not truly authentic mexican, it's tex-mex, such as the mexicans do not use ground beef, chedder, and the likes on their tacos, maybe you haven't had enough real mexican foods to judge, because the foods are delish!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

lol YO QUIERO TACO BELL! That's insane lol!.!.!.!.!.!.say that to a true mexican!. You can't judge bu a few restaurants that you went!.!.!. you think i will be the same for a homemade mexican food!? A mexican granma doing it!? i don't think so!.!.!.!. and mexican cuisine is not just tacos!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

kay your brain is malfunctoining and for your information my aunt lives in mexico and was taught how to cook in mexico and is so much beter at cooking mexican food than anyone in america!. so get your brain fixed!. byeWww@FoodAQ@Com

Americans make Mexican food suited to American tastes!.
Mexicans make it in a more traditional way, which is just different, not worse!.

WHy not try it again, you might find a dish u really love!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Different stokes for different folks!. You may prefer the American version of Tacos to what Mexicans make/like/eat!.

"Proper" is YOUR take on a taco and what you like!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Thats ignorant!. You're just used to Americanized "mexican food!." Get off your soap box and open yourself up to new cuisine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You haven't had Mexican food in america, you have had americanized mexican food!. Not the same!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

"proper" lol, u must be american, americans make an american version of mexican food!. americans make an american version of Japanese food to, real Japanese food kicks it az ?Www@FoodAQ@Com

What's you nationality!? If u r an american who favors american-made mexican food-- then so be it!. Your taste buds must have been accustomed to american-prepared mehikano food!.

There's nothing wrong wo\ith your obeservation!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

WOW another ignorant American!.!.

You Americans think you do everything better!.!. But you dont!

You guys put too much fat and sugar in your foods!.!. thats why everything else isnt "good"!. Its because its not suited to your taste buds!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Has it crossed your mind that maybe "WE" are doing it wrong!? I mean what is better than the original!. You are really culturally insensitive!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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