What do u do to food to make it kosher, is it cooked a certain way, blessed how do u make food kosher?!

Question: What do u do to food to make it kosher, is it cooked a certain way, blessed how do u make food kosher!?
Kosher smosher!. The rabbi is only there to make sure that everything goes according to Jewish dietary laws -- he doesn't 'bless' the whole thing!. Veggies are kosher but if there are bugs in the veggies then they are not!.!.!.!.that's the rabbi's job -- make sure there are no bugs w/the veggies (e!.g!.) !.!.!.and to make sure the letter of the Jewish law is followed exactly (dotting all the i's, crossing all the t's and keeping the bugs out)!.

While bugs are not kosher there is much, much more to it all for a food to be called 'kosher'!.

And you don't need a rabbi to be there to have kosher food!.!.!.it's the way the food is handled/prepared/and later served (with what other foods) etc!. The rabbi 'certifies' the food has been prepared (etc) to Jewish dietary law!.

E!.g!., to get kosher meat, the animal must be killed in a very certain way (neck cut and allowed to die slowly as the blood gushes out -- it is allowed to bleed to death)!. But there are very many other points that have to be followed also!.!.!.!.

The Muslims eat 'halal' meat and halal has many of the same requirements to be certified halal!.


If the food is not already prepared to the standards of the Kosher Rabbinate, you can adhere to kosher standards yourself!.
Like not serving meat and dairy together!.
Observe Shabbat, (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday), and Pessach (Lent), no leavened bread to be consumed!.
No pork
No shellfish
Fish without gills
Cloven hooved animals!.
There are many standards, these are just some I can think of!.
Hope this helps!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

the food has to be blessed and then your food is kosher!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


by using kosher products!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

the food has to be blessed by a rabbi inorder to make it kosher!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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