What is the difference beteween a taco and a burrito?!

Question: What is the difference beteween a taco and a burrito!?
i know this sounds weird but my friend and i were talking about it and we cant decide on wether it is how it is folded or the toppings because you would never find a burrito with lettuce and tomatoes ect!. on it or mabey both !. !. !.thanks!Www@FoodAQ@Com

burritos can come in many different sizes but usally tacos are the same size everywhere , burrietos usally have beans in the but sometimes there are bean tacos and like you said tacos have like lettuce and tomatos burrietos dont , tacos have hard or soft shell burrietos have soft tortillas , and burrietos are seal basicly and tacos have a big open spotWww@FoodAQ@Com

Originally a Mexican taco was made with standard 6" corn tortilla, "taco de harina" is made with a 6" flour tortilla!. A burrito is essentially just a big taco made with a 12" flour tortilla and because of its size , the ends are folded in to prevent spillage!. There is no such thing as burritos in Mexico, they are strictly Tex Mex or Cal Mex cuisine, hence all the cheese and topings!. Real Mexican cuisine uses very little cheese if any at all!. There are no cruchy shells in Mexico, this where invented by taco bell , the only tacos that are cruchy are , tacos dorados, and flautas, both which are very greasy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A burrito is where you cook the whole thing!.!.
And a taco is something where you only cook the meat!. and tacos can come hard or soft!.!. and and burrito is wrapped up!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Burritos are baked in the oven covered with sauce and cheese!. A taco, soft or hard, is filled with chicken or beef, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa etc;Www@FoodAQ@Com

burrito means "young donkey"
taco means "I mark"Www@FoodAQ@Com

lol the diffrence is that a taco u can get it hard or soft (unlike a burito) and u can order a burito wet unlike a taco and buritos are bigger plus u can get alot more stuff on a buritoWww@FoodAQ@Com

a burrito is in a soft flour tortilla & it is wrapped differently than a taco!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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