Does anyone have a recipe for a Hungarian dish called Korozot?!

Question: Does anyone have a recipe for a Hungarian dish called Korozot!?
I used to eat it all the time at a Hungarian friend's house back in high school and would love to make it myself!.

I have found a few recipes online, but none sound quite right (although they are all obviously the same dish, just not made the same way)!. I remember my friend used to put beer into hers and also maybe some caraway seed, and I seem to remember it being more paprika than I have seen online!.

Please don't just do a Google search and give me some links, I can do that myself and as you can see if you read above, have!.

So!.!.!.if you are actually familiar with this recipe or know someone who is, please help!. :)


I don't think anyone ever makes k?r?z?tt the same way twice!. :)

Possible ingredients, pick the ones you like and/or have available:
-Feta cheese
-Cream cheese
-Farmer cheese
-Sour cream
-Chopped onion
-Caraway seed
-Salt (please omit if you used feta cheese!)
-Other spices, flavorings, or secret ingredients of your choice

Directions: Using an electric mixer, combine your cheese choices with the butter (if you're using any), add your choice of spices and flavorings (finely chopped and/or ground), mix thoroughly, let stand, enjoy!.

I *have* actually heard of using beer as a flavoring, but not being a fan of the taste of beer, I've never tried it that way!. As far as the paprika content, some people use just enough to get a hint of orange color, other people pile it in by the tablespoon - use however much you'd like, it's very hard to mess up on this!. The only thing to watch out for is that the flavor of chives can get too strong with time, so if you're making it ahead of time, add less chives!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


1 (8 oz!.) pkg!. cream cheese, softened at room temperature
1 (12 oz!.) container sour cream
1/2 small yellow onion, finely chopped
1 1/2 tbsp!. freeze dried chives
1 tbsp!. paprika
1/2 tsp!. salt
additional paprika and chives (for garnish)

Place softened cream cheese in bowl!. Add sour cream and mix until smooth!. Add remaining ingredients and mix well!. Sprinkle a little paprika and chives to top for garnish!.

Serve with vegetables, crackers, or chips!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My first comment is that I find no mention of this dish in any of my Hungarian cookbooks, nor did my Hungarian family ever make or serve this!. My second comment is that I feel your comments about the first answerer are snippy and uncalled for!. This is a free public forum, and if the answers are not up to your high standards, you could certainly just wait and see if you get any better answers!. Congratulations on your competency with Google!. Bon appetit!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Growing up with a Jewish Hungarian grandmother, I didn't experience all the typical Hungarian foods (like pork), but I never heard of anything being made with beer!. And based on all the recipes I saw (yeah, I googled it), it isn't normally made with beer!. I'm thinking your friend's mom tweaked her own recipe!. You certainly have enough base recipes to start with - throw some beer in and see what happens!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Full Hungarian here!. I cook a ton of dishes and never heard of it!. I have heard of the cheese dip!. good luckWww@FoodAQ@Com

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