Does mochi ice cream always have a gummy consistency? We bought a Korean brand and the coating was crumbly.?!

Question: Does mochi ice cream always have a gummy consistency!? We bought a Korean brand and the coating was crumbly!.!?
Sort of like a cold biscuit!. And oddly, even tho the ice cream was red bean flavor, we thought the mochi tasted more like Indian ras malai!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It might have been old, or been partially thawed and re-frozen!. Or maybe it just had too much starch in it and dried out too much!. And if the flavor was really off, perhaps it absorbed some off-flavor from its freezer companions!. :( I'm sorry it was not a good experience!.

At the risk of sounding a bit ridiculous, are you sure you didn't just buy a package of frozen mochi!? That happened to a friend of mine who didn't double-check the ingredients list!. :PWww@FoodAQ@Com

When it is frozen Mochi's consistency does change, when I worked in Japan I liked the red bean one or the sweet black bean variety, I am more into just plain red bean ice cream, I find the Korean to be nicer as they do not pulverize the beans and they tend to have some texture, in Japan I found there's to be a bit starchy, Korean Mochi is slightly different in shape, not much difference in taste texture and mouth fell!.

Let the mochi sit for a few minutes in the bowl to get the chill off and the texture can change slightly to, the inner part will be a bit softer but not as gummy, I used have the Japanese Sweet Potato Ice cream too, now that is nicer than there version of red bean IC, I really like the Korean green tea IC with the red beans over top!. Here in Toronto Canada, I buy a 1/2 liter on occasion, I am diabetic, but the beans are go for me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

mochi is made out of rice dough wrapped around soy ice cream!. Your mochi doesn't have much moisture to keep the dough in place, that's why it's crumbly!. That's not a very good mochi!. Trader Joes and Costco has really good mochis!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Mochi should always be a sticky pasty consistancy (but I'm only familar with Japanese mochi, Korean could be different)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Japanese mochi has a gummy consistency!. Korean mochi is the same but prepared differently!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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