Pho vs Ramen what do you prefer?!

Question: Pho vs Ramen what do you prefer!?
I think pho is worlds better in every spectrum!. Curious what you thinkWww@FoodAQ@Com

In my opinion, I love them both!. Pho and Ramen!.

I can agree with you to some point on your Pho which is a bit better (health wise/nutrients effects on the body) The Pho, it is well believed that a very well made Pho is healthier!. It's spice & herb ingredients in it are herbal medicines in many other cultures!. Many people believe that a strong Pho where the spices are steeped extra long and in are greater quantity!.!.!.is good when you feel an illness like a cold or flu coming on!. Yes the anise and cinnamon comes through stronger but thats the medicinal stuff!. Its basic top garnishes are sliced paper-thin yellow onion, scallions, cilantro, bean sprouts, basil, saw-leaf herb leaves, Thai bird chilies or serrano chili, & lime all again is healthy & medicinal too!. Pho is a miracle cure for hangovers!.

Ramen I love it too, so many types available its everywhere I keep some in my office for a quick meal, theres instant, theres also in fresh packaged ones, or go to a good resturant where they make it from scratch its sooo good!. So many varities/choices to choose from, theres Soy Sauce, Miso, Chicken, Beef, Pork, Seafood to KimChee & etc!. topped with vegetables!. It's a meal, yummy!.

Love them both!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well!.!.!. Ramen you can make at home!.

But for going out!.!.!. Pho taste better (the soup base), but Ramen (in a Japanese restaurant) has better toppings, not the boiled mystery meat toppings you get in pho!.

It's a tough one, but!.!.!. Overall, I'd pick pho for dining out!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Pho has a depth of flavor that ramen can never reach!. Ramen is something I slurp up if I am hungry and there is nothing else around!. Pho is something I search out it is a destination food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I like Pho especially when they serve it with rare steak and you can cook it in the hot broth!. Add some thai basil, bean sprouts, fresh jalapenos, and a squeeze of lime juice, it is delicious!Www@FoodAQ@Com

only had pho once, wasn't that memorable, as I can't even remember if I liked it!. So Ramen for me, with Carmelized onions and tofu please! CheersWww@FoodAQ@Com

While I LOVE Pho, ramen has the big advantage to being easily and very cheaply available!.

Both are good, but Pho is my favoriteWww@FoodAQ@Com

I like pho better too!. Mmmmm beef!. I think ramen is too salty and the noodles aren't as good!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Definitely phoWww@FoodAQ@Com

mmmm !.!.!. definitely pho!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Pho all the way!.
With tripe!.

PHO! Ramen is more like a go-to food when there's nothing else to eat but pho is a TREAT!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Pho is really great!. I like all sorts of soupy noodle bowl dishes like that, udon, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

What is Pho!? I like ramen noodles with veggies and cheese in them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


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