What does it taste like? What foods can it be compared to? Please answer!!! I need to know today!!

Question: What does it taste like!? What foods can it be compared to!? Please answer!!! I need to know today!
I just bought some miso soup mix, and plan on eating it with breakfast tommorrow, but I hav never had it!. I was wondering if someone could tell me what it tastes like!. Because if you have ever went to drink out of a cup expecting, say, water, and the cup is filled with juice you feel disgusted even though juice is normally good, so I don't want to expect miso soup to taste like, say, tomato soup and have it taste like chicken noodle!. Just an example!. If you didn't understand all of that just answer the first question!. ^-^Www@FoodAQ@Com

Miso soup is salty broth that has a flavor all its own (more like chicken broth than tomato soup--heh heh)!. It's not really like anything else I can think of but very Japanese in flavor!. If you don't add too much water, it'll be really salty and possibly have wakame (seaweed) in it with little chunks of tofu (dehydrated) that end up being like marshmallowy (they're not supposed to be that way in real miso soup)!. It's not very tasty from a mix, so don't judge all miso soup by the one you try!. Good for you!.!.!. trying new things!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Asking what Miso soup tastes like is an incomplete question, more like asking what does chicken broth taste like!. Miso is just a base, much like chicken broth in America, you add ingredients to it to make it into something!. I'm sorry the others had a bad experience with it but then again I've had bad chicken soup!. What it taste like!? It taste like whatever you want it to!.

This was the best answer given by Steve G when this question was asked before and I agree!.

I like miso soup but why are you having it for breakfast!? It is usually eaten for lunch or dinner before the main meal!. Sometimes restaurants use a seafood stock which makes it a little salty!. Topped with green onion it is very healthy !.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Miso is actually "mashed up" bean curd!. Its quite clean tasting and can be quite salty sometimes!. If you don't like bean curd, don't have it!. Its kind of like bean curd chicken stock, thats the best way to describe it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Miso soup is really a unique flavor!. I can't think of anything else it tastes like!. Just start with no expectations and smell it!. It tastes like it smells!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am not a big fan of miso soup, it is salty and has a bad after tasteWww@FoodAQ@Com

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