What do American usually eat?!

Question: What do American usually eat!?
Do they eat rice or noodle!? or do they just eat hamburger most time!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

well "classic" American families who are overweight and have no lives generally eat crap like burgers and such, but us "deep" Americans who know how to cook eat all kinds of things!. I grew up in a half-spanish house, so we ate rice every night!. Almost half of Americans have different nationalities, and what they cook and eat often reflect their heritage!. Some people with german decent may cook more sausage than duck, just as someone with indian decent may cook more duck than sausage!.

And not necessarily chinese style if eating at home, but some asian-americans may, and i don't know an american who hasn't eaten Chinese at a restaurant [although its not traditional chinese cuisene]Www@FoodAQ@Com

We are one of the most diverse countries in the world and ethnic foods from all nationalities find their way to the table in almost every home!. We don't just eat one thing, everybody eats a little of everything!.

If you're more ethnic background oriented, like my family (we're Italian American) then you tend to stick to your own cuisine, but most people still eat a variety of foods!.

Yes, hamburgers are a staple of the American way of life but it makes up a minority of the food we eat everyday!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

America is a diverse country comprised of all ethnic backgrounds!. Americans eat not only hamburgers, but they also enjoy Italian, Chinese, French, Mediterranean etc!.!.!. It all depends on the individual, some like traditional sit-down meal that consists of first course (appetizers), second course (soup or salad), third course (entree), which consists of meat, poultry, fish, seafood, and fourth course (dessert)!. Often a meal is accompanied by side dishes such as steamed fresh veggies (asparagus, green beans, broccoli, carrots, beats etc!.!.!.!.), and a starch dish, such as potato, rice, pasta!. While others enjoy fast food places such as a burger joint or other ethnic fast food places!. We are a diverse country with diverse taste!. Most of us foodies are into food adventure and are willing to try pretty much anything!. However, we're not as adventurous as the Zimmerman guy from the travel channel who will eat just about anything that crawls!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

This is what i saw my American friends eat when at home- Salad and Soup, or Sandwich, or Pita bread with hummus!.These were on days when they didn't want to make much effort!.

If it was a nice grilling day they'd make hamburger or hot dogs or just grill some meat and have it with salad, occasionally they'd turn on their "slow pot cookers" and make this dish with meat and vegetables!. Or sometimes pasta if they really want to cook!.

I was also fascinated with the same question and the fascination was mutual as they wanted to know what i ate every day!. :-DWww@FoodAQ@Com

This week we ate Chinese food one day, BBQ and a baked potato the next, Mexican food the next, then roast beef and potatoes, then we had "breakfast for dinner" with a ham and cheese and mushroom omlette!. I also made lasagne at home and we had sandwiches a couple days for lunch, and went out for hamburgers one day and chicken another day!. Breakfast is usually eggs of some sort or cereal and milk!. Rice is not something my family has at "every" meal like some like to!. Other families have potatoes some way or other every meal!. I know some orientals who have noodles and/or rice every meal!. Some "Southern US" families have grits, but I don't care for that!. My family eats out about 4-5 times a week - breakfast lunch or dinner!. Pretty much anything and anywhere!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

America, being one of the most (if not THE most) ethnically diverse countries in the world, has a lot of different influences from around the world!. As you would expect, then, our food choices are extremely varied!

To start off, I suppose that you could say we have our own different regional styles of cooking!. For example, southern food is very different from Midwestern food!. Depending on which states and regions you find yourself in, you'll find that different areas in the U!.S!. have different "classic" foods or ingredients that they incorporate into their foods!. An example of that would be food that you might find in California; a lot of dishes there might have avocado in them because of the heavy Hispanic influence there!.

In terms of ethnic foods, we Americans like to enjoy a little bit of everything!. You're sure to find Italian, Chinese, Japanese, and Mexican restaurants just about everywhere in the U!.S!., but you could find some other ethnic restaurants depending on the area you're in and the ethnic populations located there!. For example, you'd be sure to find some Middle Eastern cuisine if you were in an area with a large Middle Eastern population!. Now, you're going to find that our ethnic foods are obviously not as authentic as what you would find in their countries of origin, but that's to be expected in any country you go to where there is food that isn't completely native to the area!. You might be able to find some little places that have it just about as authentic as it can get, though, depending on where you are; family owned places and small food shops might be like that!.

My suggestion would be to explore the restaurants and other food establishments in the area you're in to get an idea of what the local population eats!. All in all, there is a lot to be enjoyed here in the states! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Asian Americans I would say yes, white, blacks and hispanics I doubt it!. They eat hamburgers a lot, most of the other foods they eat come from Europe!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well, we eat a lot of things!
lots of americans do eat fast food-hamburgers-a lot!.
tacos, spaghetti, chinese!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. we just eat whatever we want to at the time!Www@FoodAQ@Com

any other cusine thet feel likeWww@FoodAQ@Com

Depending where abouts in America you live, I would say each other!Www@FoodAQ@Com

We eat ALOT of meat, especially beef!. It makes up half of our diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Fast food!.
Ha!. But it really does depend on the person!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

anything we want to eatWww@FoodAQ@Com

Crap and then some fake crapWww@FoodAQ@Com

rice and fishWww@FoodAQ@Com

hahah i guess it depends on the person!.

Happy Jack's, in fact any kind of Jack!.!.!.be afraid lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

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