Do North Americans like grilled octopus, squid and fish?!

Question: Do North Americans like grilled octopus, squid and fish!?
If I open such a small franchised store in there, Can I make profits!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

North Americans not yet ready for this!.May be in the urban cities where many of the North Americans were descendants from other nationalities like Italians and Spanish!.Italians love it all !.Polpo ,calamari and pesce this is what they called specials!. also those North americans from South America!.They love it !.Ceviche, calamaris frittos ,grilled octopus with cilantro and lime are their also specialities!.Plus the asians loves it too!.But real North Americans they love steak and fries , bar-b-q and turkey!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Octopus is rarely eaten in North America!. It appears on oriental dishes on occasion, but other then that it is all but unheard of!. Squid is eaten almost exclusively as the deep-fried Mediterranean dish called calamari!. Americans do eat fish, but prefer milder tasting, less oily fish such as cod, tilapia, pollock, tuna, and catfish!. The strongest flavored fish most Americans will eat is salmon, but some will eat mackerel and anchovies as well!.

If you open your franchise in a large city with a healthy oriental population you may do well!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am from Wisconsin and one of my most desired foods is very hot spicy squid!. ( think Thai) I actually started cooking my own and it was sooo tasty, I ate it for several weeks with good health and then I bought some squid, octopus, mussell mix that was on sale and i bought so much of it and it tasted fishy and I couldn't eat it!. The stuff that I had eaten and even bought from the grocery before was not fishy at all!.!.!.I don't think that had to do with my residence though and just the quality of the base ingredients!.
I think most American would eat calamari because they taste like most fried American foods, but I was glad I went daring and tried the spicy mussel unbreaded and in a good sauce!.!.!.as long as you use the best ingredients and appeal to the daring nature deep within Americans you can do well!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You could I think if you set it up in a more urban area!. You really have to do some research and check the demographics of a place !. !. !.
I personally like all of the above, but I'm half filipino and was brought up eating "weird" things like that!. I know a heck of a lot of people in my town would not touch squid or octopus, but I live in hickville, pennsylvania!.

City folk are more well rounded and there is more of a diverse population in regards to race!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think the "norm" for americans is mostly beef, chicken, pork!. Which is surprising concidering the deep ties to "isreal"!. Although I have long concidered that isreal actually wants us all to die early!. Personally speaking!.!.!. "calamari" is a favorite of mine, and in the states not much is known by most Americans as far as "seafood" goes so - yes, we actually don't eat much - atleast most of us!. And most people I meet won't even try Calamari!. Even tho its breaded and fryed!.!.!. just because its a fish!.

Basically the beef is scary enough here, most of the time the fish is even scarier!.

The only place I know that serves octopus tho is a buffet - and the tray is full all day, and no one eats it!.!.!.

Crab on the otherhand is popular, just make sure you have butter - and if your looking for opinions from the Northern north americans (canadians) you'll have to look elesewhere!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

generally no!.its a cultural difference!.but a lot of trendy north americans in big cities like to try new things!.i recommend opening your business in a big metropolitan city such as toronto,where there are many cultures & people willing to try new & exotic foods!.i doubt you'd find a profitable business in a small,rural town!.good luck! Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, you could make profits!. While the majority of Americans are unadventurous, many others are not and the Asian population is growing, too!. You won't in all likelihood become Bill Gates's biggest worry, but you could live!.

We love it!. Growing up my mom used to make Calamari on special occasions, it was not easy to clean so!.!.!.!.!. it was rare when she made it, usually on holidays!. Whenever we go out to eat we order it as an appetizer if it's on the menu!.
We'd love to see a place like that!. Come to Simi Valley, CA!. : )
In any case, bonafortuna!Www@FoodAQ@Com

reading the opinions i see a lot of Americans do not like it!.i have had it in new york though!.i say give it a try!.because it is delicious and trendy!.i woul however serve it with america sauces such as 1000 islands,horseradish!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's definitely not popular here!. As was already said, you could find some success in a major city or metropolis!. You wouldn't get enough business to survive in a small town setting!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

a lot of people do but I don't!. my sister and dad like calamari and i dont, but me my mom and dad like fish and my sis dosnt so it varies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on the city you choose!.!.
I like them in a restaurant
They are too expensive here in this city!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Why dont u just give it a try!? Who knows, maybe the people there would wanna try something different from what they always have!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i dontWww@FoodAQ@Com

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