What delicacy's are there in your country or region that would be strange to the rest of the world?!

Question: What delicacy's are there in your country or region that would be strange to the rest of the world!?
For example, in the Philippines and Vietnam they eat fertilized duck eggs!. In my country we eat salted raw herrings!.
In the region I come from we have 'Balkenbrei'!. It's a kind of cake made of pork, a lot of flower, some herbs!. It gets boiled first and then the cake gets cooled down!. You cut pieces from it and fry those to the point that they get crispy!.
Most people, even in the rest of the country, find the idea of this grey looking cake horrible!. I was born in the region and really like it!.

So, what kind of 'weird' delicacies are there in your country or region!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I live in the Pacific Northwest and we have a clam here that can be called scary to look at!. Picture at URL down below!. The geoduck clam!. Weighs about 2-3 pounds in general but can weigh up to ten lbs!. They are 6-8 inches long and if you have looked at the picture you know what it looks like!. This clam is used to make stews and chowders one geoduck clam can easily feed a family of four!. Thank goodness you won't look down on your plate and see a whole one!.


I am Sino Australian, my parents do not come from China and we do not eat dogs!

I believe it is only the Mainland Chinese who do!.

The Koreans also eat dogs!.

I supposed eating Kangaroo steak or roast can be strange to others!. My mum is Taiwanese and I supposed stinky tofu or pig blood cake can be strange to foreigners!. I actually never tried any of those!.

My dad he is Sino Malaysian, he eats organs like cow intestines, heart of chicken, ducks, livers of chicken, pig and duck, foreigners could find those disgusting!. also durian it stinks, but he loves it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I come from a state with Scandinavian roots!.
Every year, just before Christmas, many Lutheran churches have a Lutefisk Supper!.
Most would not consider this a delicacy, but I love it and these suppers are always well attended!.
Of course, the Swedish meatballs and Swedish sausages, potatoes and lefse also served may have something to do with it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm in Thailand at the moment and they eat some pretty strange things here!. Once a year in Chiang Mai (probably in other places too) flying ants swarm, mate, lay their eggs, and promptly drop down dead!. The women rush out to gather them all up!.

A day or so later these appear on the streets in packets for anyone to buy!. They're served up with chilli and garlic!. Delicious!Www@FoodAQ@Com

kangaroo sausages or kangaroo steaks or even roast kangaroo (like roast lamb or pork but with kangaroo meat)!. You can buy them at the local supermarket, they have quite a gamey taste though and personally I dont like it - maybe its more cause I can picture little skippy lol!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Lamb Frys, or Rocky Mountain Oysters which are fried lamb , calf, or bull balls!. They are cut off, devained, and sliced thin like a chip, then usually dipped in flour and deep fried until golden brown!. Served hot with a cocktail sauceWww@FoodAQ@Com

In Wales,it is 'Laver bread'!.Not bread,but a sloppy,very salty seaweed!.Cooked for breakfast,combined with oats,in bacon fat!.

Lissy - You need to look harder!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Texas Prairie Oysters: Bull's testicles fried and served on toast!. They're really good if no one tells you beforehand what you are about to consume!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

the chinese eat dog LOL

umm there aren't any really weird delicacies in the UK i don't think!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

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