What is the best hookah?!

Question: What is the best hookah!?
Which hookah hits the best!? (Small, medium, large!?) Does the size of the base determine how much smoke is there!? And are there any differences between the types of hookah (Egyptians, Mya, Syrian, etc!.) besides how they are made/what they are made of, like does one hit better than another!? And finally, does the number of hoses affect how well the hookah hit!?
I've been looking up hookahs in hookah-shisha!.com and saharasmoke!.com and etc!. and basically got very confused/overwhelmed between all the types and differences between all of them lol!.
Thank you!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well I will start with Sahara Smoke!. Their pipes all look good!. But from personal experience and other friends of mine!. Their bases are Phenomenal! But the stems don't last long, they fall apart and start leaking within a few months!.

Egyptians, Syrians and Mya's are all about the same!. Different fundamental designs but all great smokes!.

Size doesn't really matter much, I can get small and large to hit like champs!. But if you go with Hookah-Shisha!. you will get a hookah that smokes like a dream!.

My goto hookah is the Mya Obelisk
But honestly it's probably a bit expensive for your first hookah!.

When you spend over $200 you can get a Free Mini Mya
This is a great little hookah!. I love it!.

My first hookah was the Pharaoh 3 Hose
It's a great traditional Egyptian, bought it 8 years ago, still smoke great to this day!.

The Mya QT I just bought and maybe the smoothest smoke for such a small hookah

Mya Bambino is such a powerhouse I have 2!.


I smoke hookah all the time and I own five of them!. My smaller one, for some reason, hits a lot better than my bigger ones!. I have a double hose hookah and I will tell you that when two people hit at the same time its a LOT harder to hit and you don't get as much smoke!. I'm not sure the difference between the types, I didn't know there where many types and I'm not sure what mine are!. I hope I helped a little!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Although there are many different schools of thought on how exactly one should smoke a Hookah, Shisha or Narghile, many of them are correct all at the same time!. Here are some steps for setting up a "proper" hookah to receive a pleasant smoking experience!. Try experimenting with your own process, not all hookahs are exactly the same, what with varying sizes and use of material, so find something that works for you!.

Start by putting water in the vase filling it 1-2 inches above the tip of the shaft that goes down into the vase!. You can put ice in the vase if you want, this will make the smoke cooler and thicker!. When packing the bowl, pack it semi-loose, don't over pack, it's best to keep it to a smaller amount, but don't under-pack as the heat from the coal will quickly char a shallow layer of shisha tobacco rather than slowly cooking it!.

Light the coal, depending on the type of coal being used, you may want more than one!. Quick-light coals should be lit when needed, whereas natural wood coals need time to heat and should be lit 5 minutes or so prior to their being needed!. A word of warning here, be sure to use coals that are specifically made for hookah smoking and not barbequing; otherwise, you will get very sick!.

Put foil over the top of the bowl, shiny side down!. Keep the foil tight as wrinkles somewhat distort the heat distribution!. Poke about 15-20 holes with a toothpick (or anything with the same diameter)!.

Blow through the hose to clean out any dust or particles that may have settled, don't wash the hose unless you know that it is washable!.

Light up the coal and take a few drags to get it going!. The pull should be consistent to trying to drink a milkshake!. Move the coal as necessary to avoid burning or charring either the shisha or the foil!.

Hookah smoke should be thick and white, such smoke indicates you have prepped and are smoking the Hookah correctly!.
If the smoke ever becomes harsh, check the foil for signs of burning and make sure you've packed the bowl with the proper density of shisha tobacco!.
A well packed bowl with good tobacco can last you a good 45 minutes, perhaps 30 minutes with some friends!. The coals might last from 20 minutes up to an hour depending on type and brand!.
Try different flavours and brands of shisha tobacco, some give you a much more pleasant and thick smoke than others!.
Try different brands of shisha tobacco to find the one that you like best at a reasonable price, but don't be afraid to buy more expensive brands of the tobacco, particularly for special occasions!.
Feel free to mix different flavors together, mixing and matching flavors is one of the great joys of a true hookah aficionado!. A few suggestions we can offer you would be apple-mango, banana-mango-pineapple, and lemon-mint!.
To help in providing an even burn and avoid foil burn, try breaking the coal up into smaller pieces, place them on the outer edges and rotate them around the bowl while moving them steadily inwards!. It can be a little tricky to break the coal up evenly but is definitely worth the time and effort!.
If you run out of shisha tobacco, or just want to try something new, mix some pipe tobacco with honey, and smoke it instead of shisha tobacco(Note: this will not taste nor smoke like regular shisha tobacco)!. If you want to make your own, check out the related wikiHow on how to make apple tobacco!.
Cutting up the tobacco may help a lot in packing the bowl correctly and maintaining an even burn, use a simple pair of kitchen shears!. Not too fine or the tobacco will fall in through the holes of the bowl and can occasionally clog up the stem!.
If the tobacco is dry, revive it by adding some honey or molasses to it and mixing it in, good when you're in a bind!.
To clean your hookah, dip a rag into vinegar and push it through the stem with the lower half of a fishing pole or other stick!. As for the vase, soaking it with warm water and soap for a bit, as well as a very thorough rinsing afterwards is your best bet!. Clean the stem around once a week and the vase once a month or so!.
For any of you who want to elevate your hookah experience, here's a tip: try using a piece of fruit for a bowl (such as an apple or an orange)!. It definitely boosts the flavour and, surprisingly enough, the session tends to last longer than it would with a traditional clay bowl!. Here's a step by step guide:
find a circular fruit such as an apple, mango, orange or whatever you can get your hands on!.
Cut the top of the fruit off and leave about 3/4 of the fruit!.
Dig into the fruit with a spoon till about 1/4 of the fruit is left intact!. (leaving the sides thicker would be ideal for better taste and a better burn)!.
Use either a corkscrew or any sharp and thin object to force a hole in the bottom!.
Now, within the core of the fruit, poke many holes through the hole in the bottom to make the smoke holes!. the more you make, the easier it'll be to suck in later on!.
Stick the fruit on the stem, pack the fruit with shisha tobacco, and cover with foil!.
For a different smoking experience, try using a glass bowl and screen!. Using a glass screen between the tobacco and the coals eliminates the need for tinfoil, making things slightly simpler!.

People have gone to great lengths to make the ultimate hookah, but it's really no further than your local market!. Pick up some juice, apple, grape, fruit punch, any mix you want or can think of!. While you're there, pick up some produce to, a small melon, an orange, lemon, lime, apple, orany of the softer, smaller fruits will do!. You might as well pick up some ice, too, while you're at it, unless, of course, you have an ice maker at the house!.

Now unpack your hookah, pack the bowl, or if you're feeling particularly industrious, carve the apple from the middle out into a cone, leaving the outside and the skin intact!. Instead of using the porcelain bowl, use the apple!. Just sprinkle some tobacco in it and proceed as normal, foil, coals, etcetera!. Next, empty the juice you bought into the case to the point where you'd normally fill it with water!. If you think it might be too strong, you can dilute it to desired strength!. For those of legal drinking age, you can put cheap liquor in the base for an added buzz, but beware, it is intoxicating, so make sure you're not driving!.

Slice up your fruit, drop a couple of pieces in the base, and throw some ice in there as well!. Now assemble it, light it up, and prepare to be impressed, though, just as a forewarning, it may take a few sessions to get it just right!.

Some of our favorite combinations are V8 Pina Colada with coconut shisha (think tropical), fruit cocktail with fruit punch and a slice of orange, grape with grape or apple or both and a slice of lime or lemon, and last but not least, V8 Pina Colada mixed with rum and coconut shisha!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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