Chinese food recipes. typically rice, meat and veg?!

Question: Chinese food recipes!. typically rice, meat and veg!?
for my GCSE in food i need to prepare some rice, meat and veg dishes that follow a healthy diet!. I'm looking for things that are easy to prepare, the less time the better!. since this is just a school thing i wont need every incy wincy bit of ingrediant, again just the simple ones!. a brief preparation guide or reference would be handy :)

btw im trying to research stuff myself, im not just asking this question for all my research to be given to me, its just if i can't find anything myself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I will teach you a Chinese recipe that has steamed rice, meat and vegetables and is very easy to make!.

Black Bean beef with Rice


You need:
1!.200 grams of Beef (chopped in thin strips)
2!.Black bean sauce http://importfood!.com/media/salk0801!.jpg
Please see image from link
4!.Vegetable oil (e!.g!. peanut oil, sunflower oil)
Chinese cabbage 5 pieces (chopped in thin strips) or one big green capsicum


1!. Put some oil on the wok, for health purposes don't put too much just enough to cook the cook without burning it would do!.

2!. Wait for the oil to heat up

3!. Place garlic (2 garlics pressed) in the oil and fry it for one minute then place stripped Chinese cabbage in and stir fry the two together until the Chinese cabbage is done!. It should be cooked in 2 minutes!.

4!. Take them out and place them on a plate!.

5!. Add a bit more oil, as the wok is already hot place the stripped meat immediately in the wok and stir fry until the red meat turns brown!.

6!. Put back the Chinese cabbage and the garlic in the wok and toss and turn them with the cooked meat for 30 seconds

7!. Add 2 teaspoons of black bean sauce, and stir them together, add half a cup of water in there if you like your food with juice in them and stir well!.

8!. Take your food out of the wok and place them on a plate!.

Steamed rice
1!. Soak rice in water first for at least an hour and remove the water!.
2!. Cook one cup of rice with one cup of water in the rice cooker

below is an image of rice cooker


*I lived in boarding school during high school and I discovered white people boil their rice, please note rice with Chinese food must be steamed not boiled! Unless it is a congee, exception!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on what you mean by "chinese food" - real chinese food from china or chinese food you get in the USA and the UK!? I'd use tofu easy to cook and it's healthy!.

Typical food in China are mainly like boiled meats served with sauces!. Steamed veg such as bak choi, fish with pickled turnipy things/ black beans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Chop onions and celery and saute in oil!. Add a couple of cups of cooked rice!. Stir fry!. Add some cooked chicken!. Add soya sauce to taste!. There you have it, chicken fried rice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

search Vietnamese recipes!. most of them are quick to prepare and very healthyWww@FoodAQ@Com

Boil rice!.
Stir fry meats!.
Veggies are often steamed, stir fried or added into soups!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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