Why don't we have food street vendors like in other countries?!

Question: Why don't we have food street vendors like in other countries!?
Whenever I watch the travel channel and they go to like asian/Indian countries, there are always tons and tons of street vendors selling tasty food, anything you can think of!. Why don't they have that in America!? They only thing they really have here is hot dog carts!. Am I wrong!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Other than the restaurants' fear of competition, I think some people also have the perception that street food is very unhygienic and perhaps the neat freaks also shudder at the idea of food vendors cluttering up their pristine cities!. But street food is not peculiar to non-Western countries as many European countries also have their own street food!.

Actually, there's also quite a bit of street food available in USA especially cosmopolitan cities like New York!. NY has stands & carts selling quite a variety besides hot dogs: burgers, pizza, soups, tortillas, falafel, kebabs, baked potatoes, Caribbean jerk chicken or curried goat, Chinese & Japanese stuff, fresh fruits, South American dishes, flavored ices, roasted peanuts etc!. During spring to fall, there are outdoor food festivals & street fairs all over New York City!.

People who oppose street food on the basis that such vendors 'steal' business from permanent dining places are not looking at the big picture!. By all means control street vendors with licensing but not to the extent of total bans!. Many times people just want a quick bite to eat, without having to wait half an hour for tables!. Street vendors can thus help restaurants to focus on bigger business & more profit, instead of having tables hogged by customers who only order a coke & small sandwich!.

Street food can give a real buzz to an area & boost tourism & human traffic!. Really hungry diners will still head for the restaurants, maybe even after having their appetites stimulated by a small snack outside!. Certainly I doubt anyone is going to stand by the roadside & eat 20 hot dogs for dinner!. A really vibrant & happening food scene has a place for everyone!.

But again you can't really compare the street food scene in developed countries & less developed places!. You eat at your own risk in many Asian countries that have little to no health controls on street food vendors, diarrhoea is an almost certain penalty paid by most tourists whose stomachs have not gained the immunity of the locals!. Food poisoning or worse is not uncommon!. There are exceptions in places with stricter emphasis on health like Singapore which had taken food hawkers off the streets into sheltered hawker centers, rather like a one stop shop for anything your belly fancies!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is mainly because of refrigeration!.
Many of the countries you see do not have refrigeration and what you see is what is available at the time!.
Most of the population buy what they need on a daily basis, so when they shop, they know what they are going to cook, and buy accordingly!.
What you don't see is what is dumped because it is spoiled or rotten because of age!.
They don't have supermarkets like we do and at present there is an outcry from those vendors (in parts) of India who oppose the opening of supermarkets as it could drive them out of business!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Lots of large cities do have street vendors - and for stuff beyond hotdogs!.

We have the Ice Cream Truck, which is pretty much something I've only seen in America!. I tried explaining the concept to some foreign friends of mine, only to have them think me crazy for wanting to buy ice cream off a truck in the middle of the street!.

Out west, you have the large white catering trucks which are lovingly referred to as "roach coaches"!. These can be seen wandering the area, going between construction sites, colleges, or company parking lots, where they setup business for 20-30 minutes before moving to the next site!. Each one has its own distinctive horn, which the driver sounds enthusiastically as he pulls in!. Depending on the driver/chef, the roach coach may feature Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, or Mexican fare, along with the standard hot dog, hamburger, french fries, as well as a small collection of snack food and cold drinks!. It's almost like a 7-11 crossed with a greasy spoon, set on wheels!. Again, I've never heard of this existing any where else in the world!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I can only speak on behalf of Chicago area!. Here they don't allow people to handle food on a mobile carts thus making street food illegal!. There are still number of Hispanics that run their corn and mango carts, but thats pretty much it!. I would agree with the answers above, that American people in general are neat freaks, and everything has to be sanitized after each use!. That would not be possible for street vendors!. Yes, businesses are scared that these vendors would steal their businesses!. Essentially most of the stuff in the starters/appetizers section of many ethnic restaurants can be sold as street food!. In Chicago when people spot those carts they call police and complain!. Chicago has "Taste of Chicago" where all restaurants set up their booths!. The licensing and cost of setting it up is enormous, making Taste a very expensive event!. For business owners, if they can make you come in for even 1 can of coke, thats still profit!. Street food in US has been replaced by all fast foods, such as McDonalds and Subway where they promise to get you your food in flash!. Corporate street food if you will!. Even during summer, the only thing you can spot in Chicago by the "beach" is overpriced "nachos" with neon yellow goo and bag of tortilla chips!. BOO!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on where you live!. New York, Washington DC just to name a few have tons of food vendors!. When I was in NY (Brooklyn) last year I saw all types of food like greek, carribbean, Mediterranean, breakfast/pastry carts, etc

I know in DC there has been a fight among vendors, restarants, and investors not wanting to let a variety of vendors ( besides hot dog stands) be able to vend for various reasons!.

I live in DC and we have a few different things like burrito carts, shwarma carts and a new chain of cart/mobile food businesses called "On the Fly"!. Here's a link-


This is called the New World the people who have flocked here wanted the space and freedom to own and become independent

Americans are rather independent and keep to their families
the foreign cities are over crowded!.!. they can not make a living away from the city and seem to live in single room hostiles and have two or three sweat house jobs!.

America there are many cities that have large Farmers Markets
Every grocery store or supermarket has every thing

until recently traveling a few miles was of no concern
I know Sacramento California has several farmers markets
One of the best is located at Slough House about 8 miles south east of the city
as for the Ice cream man in his truck !?!?!? at $4!.00 gas !?!?
as for the push cart and the bicycle cart Think of the distance between homes and the new insulation and double pane glass you can hear nothing from the out side!.
Members of my family travel 50 miles to get to work
the way the residential homes are planed out they may just be called rabbit hutches
but Thank You for reminding me of the 40 & 50's and 50¢ gasoline !.!.15¢ cigarettes a gallon of milk 25¢ 10¢ bread

some city in America does have it, like NYC!. there's many reasons for that and one of the main reason in health!. i used to live in the country where there's ton street vendor and street cart foods!. i admit their food are cheap and tasty!. but for haven't ate them for a while, i am scare to eat them now since i am get used to living in America while everything is cleaner!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We have plenty of street food vendors in this country, especially in the cities!. We don't have as many as in other countries because health codes make street vending too expensive for a lot of people!. though there are a lot of illegal street vendors, there are not as many as you would find in a totally unregulated environment!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We have a few different types of food vendors in Charleston, SC, but I saw on the news a few weeks ago that they are trying to make it illegal for food vendors to be on the street b/c they take business away from the other restaurants!. Which I think is insane!. But some places in America do have them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Your right and there is a reason!.
We have many stores in this country!.
They pay a lot of rent and overhead!.
The keep millions of people employed!.
They pay a ton of taxes to support our country!.
A vendor goes out, buys a $50 cart, parks it in front of a store and takes business away from the store!.
That's a no-no!.
Not good for you, me, the business owner or the economy!.

We do have stands in NY and big cities, but they must be licensed by the State they're in ( and the laws vary), but you will never see them to the extent that you see in other countries!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Coz of all the "red tape" and political strife!.!.!.They have street vendors in the Philippines!.!.!.I've watched Andrew Zimmern's (Bizarre Foods) & Anthony Bourdain's (No Reservation) shows and yeah i wished we had those here in the US

In Manhattan, they have carts selling hot dogs, pretzels, peanuts and stuff like that!. There are plenty of street vendors in Chinatowns!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Apparently you've never been to Portland, OR or NYC!. Lots of food carts in both places, and I'm sure many other cities in the US!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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