What is the origin of chili?!

Question: What is the origin of chili!?
I heard its not Mexican!.!.!.but American!?

Yeah, it comes from Texas or Oklahoma!. Unlike stupid Hollywood movies, the cowboys back then were a pretty generous mix of whites, blacks, Mexicans, Indians, and even some newish imported people!. You know the famous dusters that cowboys wear!? Came from the Australian sailors who stayed to be cowboys!. The reason they are made of canvas is that they originally made them from ships' sails material!.
Somewhere down there, they invented a stew so that the crew wouldn't have to eat just beans all the time!. The reason chili has beans is because that's the only thing for sure that they would pack!. Obviously, Mexican cowboys probably had a hand in its development, but they would often trade the cooking chores around!. If they have chili down Mexico way, it was imported from just across the border!.

I used to read a lot of history!. Since I was a boy kid, I read a lot about cowboys!.

Chili con carne (often known simply as chili) is a spicy stew-like dish!. The essential ingredients are chili peppers and meat!. Variations, either geographic or by personal preference, often include tomatoes, onions, garlic, cumin, beans, and other ingredients!. The name "chili con carne" is a slight corruption of the Spanish chile con carne, which means peppers with meat!. Chili con carne is the official dish of the U!.S!. state of Texas as it was originally a Spanish/Mexican province/state!. Chili can now be found world-wide, both in local variations and associated with American-style restaurants like Wendy's and A&W!.

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Chili originated in Mexico, cooked with red chili peppers (Anchos)!. In Southwest United States the dish was modified using pinto beans and even chopped sirloin!. For all practical purpose, it is accepted as a Tex-Mex dish, (a Cuisine in texas influenced by Mexico)!.
Chili verde is made with Green Chili peppers!.
Basic spice ingredients of Chili are: Ground or Chopped beef, Tomatoes, Chili peppers, Onions, Garlic, Cumin powder, Oregano, and dash of sugar!.
It may be garnished with grated long-horn cheese, chopped onions, and chopped SerranosWww@FoodAQ@Com

i don't know if u'r talking about chili peppers or chili paste or bean, but it says in wiki that chili peppers were first found by the spanish in where we know now as s!. america!. practiced in eating there as far back as 7500 b!.c!. and by the western sailors carried over to influence the asian cuisine!. But if ur talking about chili beans or what we think as the mexican food!. it was first derived in texas, u!.s!.a!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is a bean, pepper and meat dish that was developed to cover the taste of rancid meat with a hot pepper!. The dish developed in the area now known as Texas but it was under Spanish rule at the time!. So you guess who owns it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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