Question for British people: Have you ever tried black pudding?!

Question: Question for British people: Have you ever tried black pudding!?
I am learning all these things about British people & i read about the black pudding somewhere!. Is that the sausages made of dried blood!? What does it taste like!? Did you like it!? I have an English friend & he told me that it was more of a northern England thing!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Black pudding is good eating!. Beans, bacon, fried eggs, sausages, block of lard, toast, fried bread & tomatoes!. AKA the full English breakfast; which you can have at any time throughout the day!.

Or you can go continental and have something called hash browns as well!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am from the midlands & I love Black pudding!. If you want a good one though, it is best to get it from a butchers, as the supermarket versions are not as good!. You can eat it fried or raw (it will have been boiled in the process of making it) I personally love it either way!. It has subtle spices in it, & small cubes of fat!. It sounds horrendous, but you really have to try it to appreciate it!. My kids also really enjoy it!. It's fabulous on Salad or along side your fried eggs, sausages, hash browns, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes & fried bread too!
I recently went to Ireland & tried their White pudding!. This too was delicious!. I think you've set me off, I'm going to have to pop out to the butchers now, I might purchase some ******* whilst I'm there too!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Black pudding is made from boiled sheep's blood!. The Germans have it and call it blood saussage (in German)!.

It is originally from the north of England but is now available everywhere!. It comes in different qualities!. The bad stuff tastes nasty and contains huge ammounts of fat!. The best black pudding is absolutely gorgeous!. Eat it shallow fried with mushrooms!.

Don't eat white black pudding!. It's not an original recipie and is not so nice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tried it and cannot stand the stuff!. I'm from the South of England!.
Unlike escargot, I will still eat from a kitchen that has blood pudding on it's menu!. The thought of it being in the same kitchen doesn't bother me!. But ordering a fry-up in an Irish bar got me into trouble!. I could just about eat by hiding the stuff under the ashtray!.
Realistically though, if it's fried, it's just sausage!. Probably better than sausage actually!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it doesn't taste like blood it's delicious!.

Personally, I like it as it comes, or fried, it's hard to describe, it's smoother than sausage, but if pushed, I suppose it's a little like them!. However, it also has chunks of fat in!. Plus some "secret spices", depending on the manufacturer!.

I love the stuff!.

Wonderful stuff with a full English/Irish breakfast!.
also goes well when cut finley & served with seared scollop's!.
Its made from pigs blood,pigs fat,spices only known to the butcher & oats I think!.
Supermarket stuff is usually pants!.
Will be bringing back loads form Ireland & white pudding!.
It does not taste the same as blood sausage form the continet!.

Fried black pudding is delicious! WIth your bacon, eggs and toast yum! I must admit I haven't had it straight off the shelf!.!.!.the texture is not appealing to me cold!.

A lot of people find the idea of it disgusting due to the blood etc but really, is it that much worse than eating a cute little lambs leg, a wee chickens wing or a sad-eyed cows butt cheek or back!?!?!?
I wouldn't think so as eating any part of another animal is really quite icky if you actually think about it!. Sadly they taste nice so I do :(Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, it is made with fresh blood and curdled with lemon juice before mixing the meats, oats and spices etc!. It tastes slightly dry, almost oaty and I think it is lovely!. I am not from oop north, but my mother and I like it and make it - a heck of a messy job, but great! served with mash and beans or other vegetables!.

We are Latvians!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Black pudding is made out of fresh non congealed blood, minced up offal and spices also with alot of minced up fat!.!.!.!.!.!.!.eeeeeuuuuuuwww i would never try it and while i was in london never really saw anyone else i knew eat it so not sure if its very popular outside of gourmet restaurants!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yah its quite northern with the whole full english miners breakfast or welsh dunno
seriously try it it's pretty good bit gritty but salty goes amazing with ketchup and you can get it in like gourmet restaurants!. just next time you have a full english at some greasy spoon, say black pudding :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

i love black pudding although it is not for the squeamish! it has to be crispy on the outside and soft in the middle!. very much like armadillos!. incidentally black pudding is delicious with scallopsWww@FoodAQ@Com

I am from the north and yes I have tried it , it is really nice!. You fry it!. Its made of blood , spices and grain - its like any offel once you get over what it is and taste it you will find that it tastes nice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes had it many times it is just great!. The modern black pudding has less fat now as there is a demand for it with less fat but I understand that black pudding the makers export still has plenty of fat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes i was in Greece when i 1st had it and I have to say I loved it it!. Did not like hearing what was in it but did love the teates Www@FoodAQ@Com

its delicious!. specially with baked beans,sausages,eggs,fried potatoes,fried tomatoes,fried bread and orange juice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Black pudding is like a slice of heaven, especially in batter from the chippy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes I have had it!. Yes I like it!. It originated in the north but is widely available everywhere nowadaysWww@FoodAQ@Com

Mm!.!. Yes I enjoy it on occasion, I'm not sure how to describe it, though!. Both Germany and France have some sort of Blood sausage, as well I believe!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Im from Northern Ireland and I love the stuff!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is made of dried blood & innerds but it tastes sooo good!Www@FoodAQ@Com

My wife who is Scottish loves it but I hate the stuff!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I love black pudding - it is delicious on a cooked breakfast! yummyWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, its vile!. I dont believe you should eat blood!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yummy! with a Full English Breakfast or on Hogmanay with some black bun! xxxWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yes it Lovely, although Im Southern we eat it here as well!.!.!.!.!.!.made me laugh that Black puddings in Ethnic cuisine lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

My dad eats them!.!.!.!.its disgusting!. Its pigs blood, yuck!Www@FoodAQ@Com


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