Can someone give me a recipe for sofrito? my local market stopped seeling fresh stuff =(?!
Basic Italian soffrito (with 2 f's) has onion, garlic, carrot and celery!. Mince onion, carrot and celery and "soffriggere" (under cook or under-fry) in abundant best quality olive oil until the onion wilts, add the garlic until golden and then a splash of wine and stop cooking when the wine evaporates!.
Basic Spanish sofrito has onion, garlic & bell pepper and often times some condensed tomato!. Mince onion and pepper (generally green) and fry up in plenty of olive oil until wilted!. Add the garlic - fry until golden and add the tomato!. Stir and stop cooking when slightly reduced!.
Puerto Ricans sometimes add a spoon of sweet paprika too!.
Super fast made-in-a-blender Sofrito - one medium yellow or white onion, half a seeded bell pepper (best of roasted - you can find these in a jar at the super), 2 cloves garlic and some oregano!. Blend and use as needed!.
Below is a sofrito by Belina Cruz - I would add a cup of olive oil to all her ingredients instead of a tsp and add it last!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Basic Spanish sofrito has onion, garlic & bell pepper and often times some condensed tomato!. Mince onion and pepper (generally green) and fry up in plenty of olive oil until wilted!. Add the garlic - fry until golden and add the tomato!. Stir and stop cooking when slightly reduced!.
Puerto Ricans sometimes add a spoon of sweet paprika too!.
Super fast made-in-a-blender Sofrito - one medium yellow or white onion, half a seeded bell pepper (best of roasted - you can find these in a jar at the super), 2 cloves garlic and some oregano!. Blend and use as needed!.
Below is a sofrito by Belina Cruz - I would add a cup of olive oil to all her ingredients instead of a tsp and add it last!.Www@FoodAQ@Com