How do I prepare Kosher food? PLEASE HELP ME?!

Question: How do I prepare Kosher food!? PLEASE HELP ME!?
So I have a few friends coming over to my home and one of them is bringing a Jewish friend along but she said that the guy only eats Kosher food!? How do I prepare Kosher food!? What is Kosher food!? Www@FoodAQ@Com

'Kosher' food is that which is suitable for Jewish people to eat!. Having said that, not all Jewish people keep Kosher (although in this case you know your guest does)!.

There are some basic 'rules' that you might like to consider!. I can't testify to exactly how complete they are, I've picked them up working in a Jewish organisation, although I'm not Jewish myself!. This is really just a basics guide to get you started!.

1!. NO pork!
2!. Don't serve red meat with dairy products!. This is derived from a passage in the bible that talks about not bathing a calf in its mother's milk!. IIt may be safest to go with a fish dish, especially if you are serving dairy for dessert!. If you decide to go with meat, think about what you're serving with it including butter etc!. on bread or side dishes!.
3!. Truly kosher meat is slaughtered in a special way!. You may need to source a kosher butcher!.
4, Some people have seperate utensils, plates, saucepans etc for milk and meat meals!.
5!. Not all seafood is kosher!. I believe a general rule is that if it has scales you should be alright!. (Ie no prawns etc)

People also take it to different extents by following some, none or all of these rules!. This isn't by any means a full list, but it should cover the 'basics'!. It would be worth speaking to your friend and asking exactly what their friend will and won't eat and how he/she practices!. I'm sure that he knows that for the majority of people this isn't the way they eat at home, and he should appreciate you asking how to accommodate his needs!. If your friend's friend is very strict about what he eats it may be worth going to a kosher restaurant in your area!. This would be a safe option!.

I'm not sure where you're located, but there are some helpful websites that list both resturants and acceptable kosher products!. In Australia try www!.ka!.org!.au, in the US maybe www,kosher!.com and http://www!.kashrut!.com/articles/ (wherever you are)!. I'd use it with caution, but wikipedia also has some easy to understand guides (and will give you some insight into why things are done that way)!.

There's a wealth of information on the internet if you try a google search using keywords either 'kosher' or 'kashrut'!.

Hope that helps, and enjoy your gathering!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Kosher is a set of religious rules about food and cooking!.

There are a lot of rules, and some depend on the time of the year!. For instance, during Passover, there are even more rules!.

However, the main rules for Kosher are:
* No pork, ever!. That includes anything made with lard (pork fat)
* No shell fish (shrimp, clams, lobster, etc!.)
* Cannot mix meat and dairy together - pizza with meat, for instance, is a no-no!.

If you look at food packaging, if it has a small circle with a U inside, this item is Kosher!. Fresh veggies are Kosher, so don't worry about that - just rinse them as normal!. Beef, chicken and fish are generally OK!.!.!.although there are additional rules about how the animal is killed and butchered that makes it Kosher, and in the case of beef, only certain parts are considered Kosher!.

Since you aren't Jewish, your kitchen won't be Kosher!. Therefore anything you make - even using Kosher ingredients - won't be strictly Kosher anyways!. Most of my Jewish friends are OK with that, as they're not super strict about keeping Kosher anyways!.

Create your menu, and talk to the friend to see if you need to make any changes!. Most Jewish people I've known were fine so long as you just adhered to the basic rules above!.

Then again, one of my Jewish friends loves a good Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger from Jack-In-The-Box, which is perhaps the most anti-Kosher food item ever created!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can't
your house IS non Kosher to start
you have one set of tableware one refrigerator
that is unacceptable
Do not worry YOU can not do anything about it
just be yourself!.!.

this really won't help but if you wish it might be good reading!.





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