Most restaurants, especially Oriental ones do use MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate) in their food for flavour, ?.?!

Question: Most restaurants, especially Oriental ones do use MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate) in their food for flavour, !?!.!?
MSG is not too healthy to consume, so why do Restaurants insist on using this in their food!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

MSG in its commercially extracted form is a flavor enhancer that was discovered by the Japanese early last century, one of the major MSG manufacturers is Ajinomoto whose company name has become a generic term for MSG in Asia!.

But note that MSG in the natural form occurs in many foodstuffs that humans eat!. For centuries Asians had been consuming food like seaweed or cooking with it without knowing anything about MSG!.

MSG is probably used by restaurants as a quick fix to heighten taste of their dishes and in inferior restaurants to disguise poor ingredients & lack of culinary skill!. But it would be unfair to solely point the finger at Asian restaurants as MSG is found in lots of commercial seasonings & condiments, both Asian & Western in origin!. Just look at the ingredient listings of your own seasonings & processed foods in your home!. And don't be fooled by many 'MSG-free' claims if you see stuff like hydrolyzed soy/vegetable protein, hydrolyzed yeast, the code E621 and food additives like disodium inosinate & disodium guanylate (usually used together with MSG)!.

It's quite difficult to avoid MSG in its 'artificial' form if you regularly eat out and have lots of commercial processed & packaged food at home!. The only thing is to mainly cook your own food using natural ingredients & seasonings as much as possible!.

because MSG is a flavor enhancer!. It is like 50 times stronger than salt!. So you can see why it is used!. A small amount can make a big difference in the taste of that food they are using it in plus it is pretty inexpensive compared to salt!.

MSG I believe is drawn from tomatoes!.And if the place of establishment has lower quality food, the MSG will help enhance that flavor!.

Besides the oriental restaurants using MSG, when you are in your grocery store looking to buy spices, read the back label as you will be surprised how often it is usedWww@FoodAQ@Com

MSG comes from Sugar Beets!. MSG is use in ALL prepared foods you find in store freezers!. It will not be on the label as the smart-*** companies include it in what you see as: natural and artificial flavorings!. or as: natural spices!. They use it in very, very small amounts!. Some Asian restaurants advertise NO MSG, but the ready spices they purchase DOES CONTAIN MSG!. ie!. Soy Sauce, Oyster Sauce and Hoisin Sauce!. So like it or not you're getting some MSG!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is traditional in Asian cooking!. Many restaurants use too much in an effort to cheaply enhance the flavor of food that has little natural flavoring!. It's too bad, it's not a substitute for a flavorful broth in sauces that are thickened!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

the same reason you are protesting
I have absolutely NO problem and it is on my spice shelf
You Know YOUR problem just stay away
jumping up and down and complaining will not get the FDA to remove it
because I like it and that cancels you out

glutamatic acids are natural and are found im most foods in some quantity, mushrooms, nori and soy sauce are very high, and most meats have a good bit naturally!. it is not unhealthy or harmful!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

flavor!. and it is inexpensive more so than using real seasoning!. Sorry but thats the way life is!. I totally here ya though!. I love that kind of food, i just can't eat it very often!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

wow did this question just pop out of the queue, stuck since the early 1970s!?

few restaurants use MSG anymore, and if you find one that still does, feel free to skip it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it is for the taste and i would say that 95% of restaurants have stopped using it
becuase it causes bad migraine headachesWww@FoodAQ@Com

Because of its flavor!. Mainly used by the Chinese, so if you want to avoid it, stay away from Chinese restaurants!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do your research and you will find that MSG is pretty much harmless!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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