Why do people think white rice is bad?!

Question: Why do people think white rice is bad!?
This man was complaining about how white rice is bad for you and I was arguing with him about how he would eat McDonalds all the time and tell me that white rice is bad!? Tell that to the people of China and see what will happen to him, lol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Being a Chinese, white rice had been my staple diet since I was a kid!.
However, lately my intake of rice had to be greatly reduced on the advice of the doctor due to diabetic problem!.

If white rice is taken daily, I would strongly advise that ample exercise is carried out, to burn away the sugar derived from consuming rice!. I had learned the cooking method to reduce the starch (sugar) contents of rice!. Wash the rice throughly, rinsing it about 4 to 5 times and boil in a pot and also boil a kettle of water!. When the rice start to boil and about 3/4 cooked, throw away the gruel water and rinse it with the boiling water from the kettle!. Strained the rice and let it cook in a low flame!.


White rice is not as good for you as brown rice or not processed rice and the rice they use in China is not as processed as what we eat here!.
Our white rice in regular grocery stores is stripped of many nutrients and has more processed carbs than brown rice!. Basically they say if you want to eat really healthy, don't eat things made with white rice, white sugar, or white flour!. This is because of the processing involved in turning them from brown to white!.

HOWEVER, you are totally correct about white rice being much better for you than McDonalds!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Eating too much rice = too much starch = the body converts this to sugar, causing an individual to gain weight!.

When you add 'white' rice, it is probably because it is bleached!. In American society, the color 'white' is seen as pure, so this saying is translated into our foods as well!. Any chance I get, I try to eat brown rice since it is not bleached!. The same goes for brown sugar or wheat bread!. Hope this helped!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

White rice isn't bad for you, but it's been stripped of it's nutrients and fiber!. Brown rice is better for you than white rice because it has alot of nutrients and soluble fiber which helps you get rid of cholesterol!. It's also a better alternative for people with diabetes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I dont think It is bad either it really does taste good to me, but i heard that white rice dosent carrie that much orf nutrients that your body need to move along!. So yeah i probably wouldnt stop eating it due to the fact that i like it so yeah!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

White rice is only bad if you over indulge in it like every kind of food is!. If you are diabetic or obese, consuming white rice is unhealthy because starch turns to sugar - but then so would pasta and bread be bad for you!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

it's not that it's bad, it's just that it's been stripped of a lot of nutrients!. There are other healthier rices like brown rice and wild rice!. And you can't compare china's diet to western diet because they're totally different!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some white rice has been cleared of many nutrients!. Especially the partly cooked, bleached Uncle Bens etc!.

Same applies to white, processed burger buns etc!.!.!. go for whole wheat or whole grain breads from a bakery!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

White rice loses many nutrients in processing, but they put most of them back in!. They can't put the fiber back in, though!. Brown rice has more fiber!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Steamed rice is healthy for sure and quite tasty (especially with veggies)!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'm asian and white rice is our daily routine!.!.!. so far, i don't see any problem!.!.but yes, brown rice is healtheir, but it is more expensive!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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