Theres this salad, that is DARK GREEN; it is a MEDITERANEAN dish, i think its made of cilantro...?!

Question: Theres this salad, that is DARK GREEN; it is a MEDITERANEAN dish, i think its made of cilantro!.!.!.!?
I am trying to find out what it is --- they sell it at trader joe's in some sort of pre-prepared lunch tray(with hummus)

it may have cucumbers or tomatoes in it as well, but the majority of the 'salad' is made up of a dark green, tiny-leafy type stuff that i THINK is cilantro!.!.!.

does anyone know what im talking about!?

and maybe give me anything more to go on, so i can find a recipe for it!?!?

please, and thank you!!!



It has mint, parsley, burghul (cracked) wheat, tomatoes, green onions,cucumbers, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and water (for soaking the burghul wheat)!.

Rinse and drain 1 cup of medium burghul wheat!. Add 2 cups of water (warm) and set aside to soak for 20 minutes!.

Finely chop enough parsley (just the leaves, no stems) to make approximately 7 cups!.
Finely chop enough mint to make 3/4 of a cup!.
Finely chop about 8 green onions (including the green part)
Chop 2-3 cucumbers into small cubes!.
Chop 2 tomatoes into small cubes!.
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

Now drain the water from the burghul wheat and start adding in everything else, tossing and mixing evenly!.

Serve on lettuce leaves!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's called Tabouleh and the green stuff is parsley!.
Here's the recipe:
2 bunches of fresh parsley (1 1/2 cup chopped, with stems discarded)
2 tablespoons of fresh mint, chopped
I medium onion, finely chopped
6 medium tomatoes, diced
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup bulghur, medium grade
6 tablespoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Romaine lettuce or grape leaves to line servicng bowl (optional)
Soak bulghur in water for 1 1/2 to 2 hours in cold water until soft!.

Squeeze out excess water from bulghur using hands or paper towel!.

Combine all ingredients, except for salt, pepper, lemon juice, and olive oil!.

Line serving bowl with grape leaves or romaine lettuce, and add salad!.

Sprinkle olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper on top!.

Serve immediately or chill in refrigerator for 2 hours before serving!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

You have no need now to look up the Tabbouleh recipe ,all your ingredients are very correct,but the main bulk added to the salad is chopped flat leaf parsley ,responsible for the distinctive flavour of the dish, cilantro would totally change this !.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tabbouli is right!. Use only parsley, not cilantro!. Cilantro will give it too strong of a flavor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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