Is Chinese Food Bad for you? ?!

Question: Is Chinese Food Bad for you!? !?
I know I can get sick if I eat certain kinds!. And is the food that is sold at American Chinese restaurants the same kind of food prepared in Asian homes!? Or is it completely different!? Www@FoodAQ@Com

The kind sold in so-called 'Chinese Restaurants' in the US are totally different!. In the uS, they're loaded with Msg, oil , fat and salt!. But the real Chinese food is actually very healthy, especially because we like to steam food, which gets rid of the excess oil in the food!. I'm Chinese-Korean, and my Chinese mother cooks really great Chinese food! She uses all pure ingredients that is apparently what real Chinese food uses!. So if you want the real deal, don't dine at those American Chinese Restaurants!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Chinese food is not bad for you!. American Chinese food, however, is not quite as good!. And no, it's not authentic!. It's definitely inspired by real Chinese food, but it's not really what people would eat!.

Authentic Chinese food uses a lot more veggies!. In general, meat is used to flavor, rather than as the basis for a dish!. American Chinese restaurants also usually leave out some of the more exotic dishes that grace the tables of those who live in China!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The most likely answer is that you might have an adverse reaction to MSG which is used as a salt like seasoning in much of the Chinese food in the US!. But there is nothing in Chinese food that is bad for you, at least nothing more than any other foods you get from takeout restaurants!. It could also be that it is just very greasy depending on where you get it and that might give you a sick feeling!.

As to your second question, the food served in the US as Chinese Food only has a vague relation to the kinds of food actually eaten traditionally in China and Asia!. Many of the dishes have zero connection to Asia and are entirely American creations!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The food in American-Chinese restaurants are completely different than those in Asia!. In America they over indulge their foods in fat, and sodium!. Real Asian foods are usually lean, and very healthy for you because they usually contain natural herbs and seasonings!. They also use a wide variety of foods from cats, dogs, pigs, cow, chicken, lamb, rat, insects!. They also use the parts that Americans do not each such as eyes, tongue, ears, brain, heart and etc!. So different!? 100%!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it isnt bad for you but i imagine that anything served in a home by a person who cares is going to be better than anything served in ANY restaurant!.
i get really nervous about eating in Chinese food restaurants, and at the risk of sounding prejudiced, because they are dirty!. i love it but i absolutely REFUSE to eat in a Chinese place that doesnt come with a TRUSTED reference of a stomach that has eaten in a particular place!.
if you get sick alot you have to ask a lot of questions and if you cant easily identify something then steer clear!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't believe in food being bad for you!. It has more to do with your culture/life experiences, and the way you eat!.

The food in American Chinese restaurants is different from the food cooked in homes!. Home cooked foods tend to have more flavor (and sometimes very unusual ingredients), but American style of any ethnic food tends to be more bland and more basic in comparison!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well Chinese food can be healthy depending on what your ordering!. Try to only order steamed food instead of deep-fried!. It also depends on how authenic the food is!. Something like chicken balls, isn't a traditional Chinese food!. There are a lot of Westernized Chinese food places!. Look for the really authetic restaurants!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

everything is "bad" for you in certain portions!. but really it depends on what you're ordering, some options are better for you than others!. as far as i'm aware the food sold in restaurants here is different than the traditional dishes prepared by people!. invest in a chinese cookbook if you're really that concerned (:Www@FoodAQ@Com

chinese food is pretty unhealthy
and no the food in homes and restaurants are different, even in the upper class restaurants
like generally restaurants use alot of the dodgy oils and crap meats
like all the meat is bought frozen, nothing is fresh
but i guess this shouldnt stop you from eating it, like it's not that bad, just try to avoid take away chinese food

like my aunty wholesales chinese foods to restaurants and grocery stores so we can get alot of free stuff from her
but we still avoid to because it's complete crap
like if we cooked it healthily at home it would taste crap, but at restaurants it tastes good because they pack it with salt, oils and msg
alot of products are cooked in coconut oil which is really bad but is used because it's not as obvioius and visible as other oilsWww@FoodAQ@Com

NO, it is NOT bad for you, except for those General Tso's chicken and shrimp, which are "Americanized" Chinese food!. In fact, it's WAY healthier than McDonald's or Burger King!. Asians typically eat vegetables and rice for meals, and bread and milk for breakfast!. Not bad, huh!? Www@FoodAQ@Com

It can be bad for you if you are allergic to something that they use!. I have gluten intolerance and just found out that soy sauce has wheat in it!. Eat whatever you eat in moderation!. If it contains something that you are allergic to or you stomach is not able to tolerate it, then it is not good for you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is bad and very fattening!. I always feel lethargic the day after I had Chinese!. Of course I eat once in a while because it still tastes good!. It is not the same as Asian cuisine!. Look at the people who work there, they don't eat what they serve!. They are 90% of the time very thin!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

This is what I found for you!.


Chinese food must be among the most famous in the world!. Sweet and sour pork with egg fried rice is reported to be the second favourite dish in Britain, and must of course be preceded by a plate of prawn crackers!. All washed down with a lager or three!.

Well, perhaps not!. A few dishes are well known, but the majority of "Chinese" restaurants in the west provide a westernised version of Hong Kong or Cantonese food, with the occasional Beijing or Sichuan dish thrown onto the menu!. Many so-called Chinese dishes are unknown in China!. The vast majority of Chinese cooking is all but unknown outside China!.

I have lived in China for eleven years and travelled extensively throughout the country, yet I've seldom seen a prawn cracker! And egg fried rice is usually eaten as a quick snack, not with main courses!. My wife, who is Chinese, saw her first prawn cracker in a London Chinatown Restaurant!. And although sweet and sour is available in China, it bears little resemblance to that served in the west!. Her verdict on the meal was memorable!. "What is this ****!?"

So what is the authentic Chinese food!? Well, like any question about China, there are several answers!. It is not surprising that a country larger than western Europe should have more than one typical culinary style!. Then we must distinguish between what you may be served in a large hotel dining room, a small local restaurant, a street market stall or in a Chinese family's home!.

There is a lot more to the article!.!.!.!.!. but from what I got from my friend who is Chinese!.!.!. is the food at Chinese restaurants in America are more like holiday food or banquet special food!.!.!.!. with extra oil, extra seasoning, and extra meat!.

Daily Chinese food doesn't have a lot of meat, mostly a bowl of rice, with vegetables and broth!. Meat was very scarce!. I think things are a little better now!. But as I know Western culture is taking over the world!.!.!. and now because of McDonald's and other fast food restaurants the Chinese are becoming more obese!.!.!.!.!.!. just like us fat Westerners!.

Ahhhh all of the good stuff we introduce to the world!. BTW- MSG isn't actually in traditional Chinese food!.!.!. just delicious soy sauce and that is not too bad for you!.!.!.!. well maybe a little high blood pressure!.

Oh well you gotta die of something !.!.!. why not die full!.
Good luck!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most Chinese restaurants prepare dishes that are geared more to American tastes than Chinese!. The food is more cooked, it has more meat, the spices are not as strong!. However, the food is still nutritious and healthful!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

they are not good for me also!. it's because most chinese food are not fully cooked!. i have low white blood cells so not-so-cooked food isn't good for me!. it makes me sick!.!.!.maybe you also lack white blood cells!.have a check-up!. :DWww@FoodAQ@Com

home and restaurants are separate whether it's chinese, italian, etc!.

it's true restaurants add a bit more fattening and sodium to the food to make it taste better!. but I don't think it's that bad for your health compare to fast foodWww@FoodAQ@Com

I doubt it!. I never eat at those Chinese places at the mall!. All of that food is full of msg, salt and what nots!. I eat at home almost everynight and i find my mom's cooking to be leaner, and less salty than what you can get out there!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

What is served in restaurants is completely different to what they actually eat!. Chinese people are much more likely to eat a really simple meal rather than the strongly flavoured elaborate food they serve in restaurants!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Food at any restaurant is designed for one purpose~PROFIT!. Food in ones home is usually prepared to nourish ones family!. So I would think that the food at home would be better for you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can get sick from Chinese food if it's too greasy or too salty!. It depends what your body can handle!. The food in Chinese restaurants is normally greasier and saltier than regular Chinese food!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Many Chinese restaurants add monosodium glutemate as a flavor enhancer!. Unfortunately, some people are alergic to it!.

For the healthiest commercial variety, gor for steamed rather than fried!.


Chinese Food is really bad for you !. I know it sucks because i love it too but they cook it with lots of grease!. The food in Asian homes are cooked with less grease( i think )!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah most of it aren't even traditional asian food, example chop suey

Anyway it depends, if you eat it on a daily basis then yes
but every now and then is okayWww@FoodAQ@Com

hell yes!. And im a chinese guy!. Chinese food prepared at home is better, as you have the final say on how lean you want your meat to be!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well I am not shore but I don't try different types of chinese ever I always have cesime chicken with wite rice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well it depends on what kind of chinese food you eat but usually if eaten in moderation it isnt that bad for you!.

and no its not like asian foodWww@FoodAQ@Com

nooo but the 50 million sauces they tend to add onto the food probably is LOL :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Bad as opposed to what, American food!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

No it is not!. It is super good for you because of the stuff in it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it may be a little different but not to much and I think it maybe the best kind of food for youWww@FoodAQ@Com

it tastes amazing!.!. and therefore it's good for you :DWww@FoodAQ@Com

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