Indian lime pickle warning?!

Question: Indian lime pickle warning!?
I have a jar of Ruchi brand lime pickle, and on the label it states "warning: To be consumed in small quantities with food!. Not intended for mass consumption!."

Anyone who's tried lime pickle knows it's intense!.!.!.but what exactly are they warning against!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

The warning is due to the high salt content in Indian pickles!. Too much salt can lead to too much sodium in the blood, causing a whole host of health problems!. It can cause you to retain water, resulting in uncomfortable swelling of the hands, feet, and sometimes abdomen!. If you are pre-disposed to cardiac health problems, liver & kidney issues or hypertension --- too much salt can be related to heart disease, heart attacks and strokes!.

This warning is found on most Indian pickles (all types), it also "releases" the pickle company from liabilities due to health issues as a result!.

PS: Indians are used to the heavy use of spices, we dont need a warning! Indian food is heavily spiced and eaten regularly by millions on a daily basis!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am a former chef and it can be a bit harsh on the bowel, spice wise depending on whether it was a hot ot mild version, it is also a bit oily and that may be the warnings basis, but like to many prune the fibre in the limes and the spices used can be a bit harsh on some people, especially non Indian people!.

I use hot garlic, lime, mixed and some tamarind types, but in small amounts for flavour and kick, to much can be overpowering also!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The word Warning will naturally sound alarm bells,then 'mass consumption ' could raise a few queries,but put another way just means this product of ours needs to be taken with caution!.
In the interest of preservation salt is used in large quantities,so those on a salt restricted diet need to keep their distance from most pickles!.Indian pickles also have a lot of chillie as well as other strong pickling ingredeints ,so a person with a weak stomach needs to be cautious too!.
worded in good faith as well as being a precautionary measure for both manufacurer as well as consumer,i think the caution could be put across in other / comprehensible words !.This message is for non Indians not familiar with the pitfalls of an Indian pickle, so language used should also be in familiar terms!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

When you eat European pickles they are eaten in a large quantity!. Example is dill pickle!. You can eat a whole dill, many slices of dill!. or a few stackers!.
The Indian pickles are very spicy!. They are meant to be nibbled once in a while during the course of a meal!. You cannot or rather should not eat one whole lime at a time like you would eat a dill pickle!.
You would eat a part of a segment of the lime at a time!.
The company warning is just drawing attention to this fact!. They are also limiting their liability so a European consumer would not try to eat whole lime and then try to sue if the person got sick!.
Its a good public relations as well as an economic decisionWww@FoodAQ@Com

My guess is someone probably dared someone else to eat the entire jar, resulting in intestinal bleeding and a lawsuit!. Figures LOL!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It may be substantiating common sense!. Not just pickles, many other Indian Ready to Eat foods have similar warning labels!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

stomach cramp from the intense spicyness!?

i think the reason they put the warning there is so if someone eats too much and gets sick they cant blame the pickle ppl!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I guess it is a general warning!.!.!. consuming too much spices in one go, especially pickled ones may lead to somach upset or worse Www@FoodAQ@Com

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