Hummus and falafel...?!

Question: Hummus and falafel!.!.!.!?
Hummus and falafel are very well known Arabic "mezzas" (appetizers), namely in the Levant!.

Why do Jews call it Israeli cuisine!? And why do Americans believe them!?

There are still many Americans who are wise enough to know hummus and falafel are typical in Arabic cuisine but I'm just curious why people still think it is Jewish Israeli food!.


does an israeli cuisine exist!?
In Israel every group of immigrants brought the cuisine of the country of origin (german, russian, french, italian) and of course they adopted "arabic cuisine", the local one!
In Israel the green salad is called "salat aravi" , arabic salad;
Harissa, comes from Tunisia;
Skhug from Libia;
Labaneh from Syria-Lebanon;
popular way to cook meat: Kebab, Shashlik, Shawarma (all arabic);
Mejadia (rise) from Lebanon;
couscous from North Africa!.
If they are known as "israeli food" is just because Americans ,perhaps, have known them through Jewish friends!.
P!.S!. XJared, In Naharja (Israel) I used to buy in a German speaking shop good smoked ham; can smoked (pork) ham be considered an israrelian food!?
X Iceman: Middle eastern !? Greece is NOT M!.East; there is a great difference among Syrian, Lebanese, Turkish cuisine!.
I would rather say that NOW it's Mediterranean cuisine!Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is served in Israel, so it could theoretically be called Israeli cuisine!. But you must remember that about half of Israel's Jewish population comes from Arab lands!. They used to speak Arabic and were considered to be Arabs (albeit Arabs who are Jewish not Christian or Muslim, but Arabs nonetheless)!. Some still speak Arabic, too!.

also, Israel has a significant Arab non-Jewish population, something like 20% of the population!. They are mostly Muslim and Christian!. They are Israelis as they have Israeli citizenship!. They could also be considered Palestinians since they (or their ancestors) were there before Israel was declared independent!.

Those are the reasons why someone might call it Israeli, but that is not to deny that they are Arabic foods!. Most Americans don't think of those foods as Arabic, but a lot of people where I am from think they are Greek foods!. I don't think that any one ethnic group has a monopoly on those foods!. They seem to be served from the Balkans to Iran!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

its not generally an arabic dish!. its a middle eastern dish (israel is in the middle east)!. this includes arabia and all of its neighboring countries!. go to any greek/medditerranian/isreali/arabic/turk!.!.!. restaraunt and they will serve the same dishes!. except, recipies will vary, but they are still relevant!.

and fyi, not all people who live in israel are jews,per se!. some are arabic as well!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

These dishes exist in more than one society!. As others have said they pretty much cover the whole middle east!. Around here these dishes appear in Lebanese restaurants and Turkish restaurants!. What kind of cuisine they are called depends on the ownership of the restaurant!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't think that and never heard it we have a little place in our neighborhood and love the food there they call it Middle Eastern!. So that's what i call it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I never thought of them as Jewish or israeli!. However israel is in the middle east and both Hummus and Falafel are middle eastern in origin!.
I think yo have your facts backwards!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hummus and Falafel are common to Arab and Jewish cuisine in the Middle East!. Don't forget that food crosses over political and geographical boundaries just as the people that make it does!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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