Traditional Tunisian Ramadan food?!?!

Question: Traditional Tunisian Ramadan food!?!!?
We are having an Eid party tomorrow and I am looking for some good Tunisian food to cook!.

I am already planning on cooking Brik, Chorba, Salata Meshwiya, Tajine, Tunisian Spaghetti, Krima, Brik Sucre and Qatayef!.

Any other ideas!?!!?!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You already sound like you have the basics down! I don't know where you live, but here in Tunisia Eid is a time when people offer a lot of sweets, such as:

Ear of the judge (a sweet sesame and honey treat), zlebia, various cookies (the most popular being sesame, draul, and humus), and zgougou http://jamiehassen!.multiply!.com/recipes/!.!.!.

Each family has their own tradition of what they like to eat for Eid, usually being a combination of the favorites of the people in that family!. Couscous is very popular for all times of the year, and every occasion, and there are a variety of ways to cook it (with fish, with octopus, with lamb, with beef, with bisbas, etc)!.

Some of my favorite foods are: kefteji, eggplant lasagna, marquit jilbana, Shurba al-'adas, Beef Kofta, and a beet salad (these of course are in addition to some of the things you have already mentioned)!.

In our family we don't really have any traditions for what we eat, but every year we go to visit the rest of the family (they live in a city 4 hours away)!. The kids all play together, and us adults get to enjoy ourselves and have fun talking and catching up!. This year we unfortunately can't go because my husband works, but we hope to make it down there soon after Eid!.

You might also want to place this in the TUNISIA section where others can help you:

I hope this helps you!. If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me!.

Inchalla Eidik Mubarak wa kol 3am wa inta 7ayine b5hir wa snine deyma!. Inchalla dima farhana!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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