Do people eat dead birds in the Phillipines?!

Question: Do people eat dead birds in the Phillipines!?
Watching a television show and just saw someone crack open an egg with a half formed bird in it and eat it! Sounded like they called it 'Baloo'!? I don't usually believe much of what I see on TV!. Is this for real!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

haha its called "BALUT" it's duck's egg with the emrbyo on it and mybe a formed fetus (if ur lucky lol) and yes they do eat it in the Philippines!.

I tried it once but neva really ate the duck!.

It's for real 100 %Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, it's real!. Though 'dead' should be changed to cooked!. You made it sound as if it was eaten raw!. It's not!. Contrary to popular belief, balut is not half bad!.!. if you've tasted it before!. it's like eating durian for the first time, either you like it or don't!. And there are more ways to eat it than just straight out of the shell!. There are some that fry in it batter and served with a light salad of cucumber, onions and vinegrette!.

also if you think eating a half formed duck fetus is bad, there is something called a "one day old chick", which is exactly that!. A newly hatched chick, deep fried!. And no, it's not sick, it's just what people from this part of the world eat, it's part of their culture!. You eat turkey and chicken, we just like them!.!.!.!.uhm!.!.!.younger!. *cough*Www@FoodAQ@Com

it's for real and it's a test of manhood in the Philippines, if a man can't eat balut!.!.!. it makes him a ***!. its uric acid and cholesterol content is way off the charts though, so people who eat balut every day are likely to have heart, liver, or kidney problems!.

for starters, eat it with salt and vinegar!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

is that the episode where he eat the egg shell and all!?
Now it is a matter "of why not and so what"
if your hungry the fetus is a bird and is nutritional
once you become accustom IT becomes "what you don't enjoy"Www@FoodAQ@Com

They eat this on "Survivor" all the time!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes they do!. It is very difficult to eat them when they are alive!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We eat dead birds too!. You eat them every time you purchase nuggets from mcdonalds!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Of course, don't we eat chicken, turkey, quail etc!.!.!.!?!?!?
Yes, I saw that ion Andrew Zimmern too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have heard they doWww@FoodAQ@Com

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