Can someone briefly explain what this means?!

Question: Can someone briefly explain what this means!?
Halal and Haraam!? I see it a lot of i think its Indian, but what!? Im just curious but, ive seen tons of questions of this!. Im just wondering

and since i dnt kno what it is, i have no idea what category its supposed to be inWww@FoodAQ@Com

in islam, pig is haraam, cannot be eaten!. any other meat!.!.!. has to be slaughtered by saying a religious prayer!. if that prayer is not said during the slaughter, the meat becomes haraam!. also the way the animals cut also matters!. it has to be the throat!. the knife has to go back and forth slowly like on an orange, instead of a simple chop!. (sorry for the gory details) then the animals left for a couple of minutes for all the blood to drain out!. if none of these procedures are followed, the foods haraam, otheriwse its halal!. i know no religious significance or anything!. you can google that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is the muslim food restrictions of what GOD (by Man's writing it down) has determined to be proper for the holy followers to live by (the first public health standards)
It is less restrictive than Kosher!.!. the Jewish predate
Mohammad emerge from the desert at about 500ad and the fellowship copied the religions of the day
Remember the people the Middle East !?!?!? all that area
From the Mediterranean to the Pacific
they make up the Third World,, they are war for millenniums,,poverty and illiteracy everywhere!.!. Their religions have set the dietary health rules too bad they have allowed H!.I!.V!. to get a foot hold

Your question should be poster in the religion section
but many trolls like to read and post some of the bigoted answers Www@FoodAQ@Com

Halal is permissiable to do and to eat

Haraam is forbidden to do and or to eat!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Halal means permissible in arabic, it is the Muslim version of Kosher!. It deals with what you can and can't eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


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