Sushi and the taste!?!

Question: Sushi and the taste!!?
i'm a huge fan of japan!and one day,i went to a cassino with my family,this june!.when we were done,i wanted to go to this sushi bar!but my mom was warning me!.''dont eat it!''so i got it anyway!.i couldnt wait to try it!the sushi i had was yellow,and brownish-orange in the middle!so when i tried it,that stuff tasted like raw CRAP!!!escuse me for the language,but that was soooooo F****** nasty!!!!!!!!how come asians have NO problem with the taste!!?GOSH!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'm asian, but i hate sushi with raw fish, but love the cooked stuff!. like california rolls, my favorite!. it really depends on the person and their acquired taste!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A lot of people LOVE sushi, not just Asians!. It's just a taste you have to acquire!. To most people raw fish is a delicacy, people pay big bucks for that stuff!

I recommend giving sushi another chance, this time try a more Americanized sushi, like the California Roll!. This is simply imitation crab, cucumber, and avocado!. Sometimes it has cream cheese instead of the cucumber!.

After you give that a go, you can move up to more "daring" ones!.!.!.like shrimp!. Really, some people just have to learn to love sushi!. Others are just born champs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah you went straight for the front of the race at the start and fell away pretty quick!.

I am a suhis fan and love tuna which has a delicate taste of the sea as does salmon!. I also enjoy scallop and prawn!.

But yeah next time ask what is what!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You got a little sea urchin, there!. One of sushi's most acquired tastes!. Try maguro next time!. Um!. See if you can't get either a Japanese person or a sushi lover to go with you and ease you into it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'm not asian and i love sushi, people just have different palletes and tastes!.!.!.!.you will try new things and discover what you like and don't like

well!.!.!.it depends on the type of fish!.!.and yes, most sushi tastes plain!. its the things they mix with the fish that makes the different taste!.!.!. and it might just be an aquired taste!.!.!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Like all in life, use you common sense!.!.!.!.!. Bad sushi will make you reeeaaaall sick, trust me!.!.!. Sushi should allways be fresh and well refrigerated, or just stay away!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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