If Adam and Eve were the only people on Earth, Where did they got their spouses?!

Question: If Adam and Eve were the only people on Earth, Where did they got their spouses!?
If there were only two people during the creation age, where did the two got their marriage partners that populate the Earth!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

they were each others spouses, its symbolic, though some people take the bible word 4 word, depends how u interpret itWww@FoodAQ@Com

Please consider this:

If all mankind came from Adam and Eve then all humans would have an identical genetic makeup!. This is because Eve was created out of Adam’s rib!. Even if Eve were of a different genetic makeup the entire human race would have come from two sets of genes!. The genetic variability within the human species (kind) today would be essentially ZERO!. Everybody would essentially be like identical twins!.

All humans, all over the world today, would suffer the problem of a lack of genetic variability that the Cheetah does today!. The genes of Cheetahs are so similar, one to another, that when skin grafts between non-related Cheetahs are made there is no rejection of the donor skin!. Cheetahs experienced a near extinction about 10,000 years ago (down to perhaps less than ten individuals)!. Today they have almost no genetic variability within the species because of that near extinction!.


Yet, this is not what is found in humans!. That is because humans were never produced from just two individuals, 6,000 years ago!. There was never a unique creative act!.

A similar problem would have occurred if there had been a flood where all humankind was reduced to just six individuals, 4,300 years ago!. There never was a general flood that caused all life to perish except for two of a kind of every animal and just six humans!. The very genes inside you and me attest to that fact!.

It is obvious that the story of creation and the story of Noah’s ark are wonderful stories – but just a stories!. They never happened!.

That does not reduce the importance of the two stories for they are beautiful stories of God’s love for us and of his justice and regret!. They are just not scientifically accurate!. They are not supposed to be!. The Bible is about God’s love and about how to live a righteous life and achieve everlasting life!. Don’t dishonor God by using and interpreting his written word incorrectly!.

Adam and Eve were partners!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.as husband and wife!.

They populated the earth!. Remember, there was no sin back then!. Their children conceived children between brothers and sisters!.

When sin came into the world!. Man, woman, the earth and everything was in it, was cursed!. This is what we are living in today!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

!?!?!?!? you may need to re-check you're spelling in this one!.!.!.!.

Adam and Eve were made for each other there was no choice to be with someone else!. They mated to populate the earth!. They had kids, then the kids mated and had kids, and so forth!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Umm!.!.dearest, Adam and Eve were partners!. They procreated and had children!. God didn't just stop making people!. He keeps making people!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just one of a million contradictions in the Bible!. It's amazing that anyone can take it as gospel when it even contradicts itself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

God created Adam and he needed a mate so God created Eve to be his spouse!. And they populated the earth!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Dear Friend,

Adam and Eve had children and yes, there was incest back then!. For a season!. Only they didn't know it was incest!. God had not written the Laws yet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Adam and Eve were the first couple created by God!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

exactly jeanie !! craig b for a "top contributor" you gave a bad answer!. if you don't know the correct answer you really shouldn't try to sway people in your direction of belief!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You're asking this in the Ethnic Cuisine section, do you mean where did they get their spices!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

wait a second, helloooooooooo they were each other spouse, wife and husbandWww@FoodAQ@Com

incest is best!Www@FoodAQ@Com

They had kids and their kids got together had had more kids!. Gross isn't it!? Can't believe God promotes incest!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

"I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to ya!." Www@FoodAQ@Com

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