I can't find my spicy shrimp curry (thai?) recipe that calls for boiling shrimp heads to make a stock?!

Question: I can't find my spicy shrimp curry (thai!?) recipe that calls for boiling shrimp heads to make a stock!?
yes, I know there are a zillion "quick" and "easy" recipes on the web, but that's not what i want!. I want what I remember, which called for:

red or green bell peppers, with hot peppers, lemon grass, and ginger added in, everything fresh, pureed in a food processor;
shrimp heads boiled up to make a rich stock!.
this added to boiling coconut milk!.
fresh shrimp

as you see, i have the basics- i just need the quantities and full instructions!. i'm using fresh shrimp and i want it to be right! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

It sounds like you are wanting to make your own Thai Curry sauce, using fresh shrimp stock!. Here is how to make shrimp stock!.

Shrimp Stock Recipe
1 Gather or purchase the heads and shells of 1 lb!. of large shrimp!. This material adds flavoring and helps to create the stock's thick, gel-like consistency!. The shrimp meat can be used for other dishes!.
2 Peel, halve and slice 2 medium-sized onions and 2 lemons!. Don't worry about the seeds since the stock will be strained when it is finished!.
3 Chop 1 carrot and 2 stalks of celery into fine pieces!.
4 Chop, also, 1/2 cup of fresh parsley!.
5 Use cold water to rinse the shrimp heads and shells!.
Boil Shrimp Stock

1 Place 1 tbsp!. of olive in a large stock pot and heat it!.
2 Put the shrimp shells and vegetables in the stock pot!. caramelize, or cook until the vegetables are soft and brown, for about 5 minutes!.
3 Add 1 tsp!. dried basil, 1 tsp!. dried tarragon, 1 tsp!. dried oregano, 2 tsp!. salt and 3/4 tsp!. peppercorns to the mixture for a pleasantly seasoned stock!.
4 Stir in 4 qts!. of water and bring to a slow boil over high heat!.
5 Reduce the heat to low once the mixture boils and let it simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour!.
6 Skim and discard any foam that rises to the top of the liquid!.
7 SevenRemove the stock pot from the heat when foam stops rising to the top!.
8 Place the strainer over the storage container and pour the stock through it, making sure to press firmly on the solid material!. This will ensure that your shrimp stock is flavorful and thick!.

This is the closest recipe I could find to the one you described for the curry paste!.

Spicy Thai Curry Paste
1 1/2 tbs minced ginger
3 leaves basil
1 medium shallot
2 cloves garlic
3 stalks lemon grass
5 large serrano chillies
peel from 1 large lime
1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp coriander
3/4 cup coconut milk

Seed the chillies if you don't like your curry very hot!.
Peel the tough outer portion off the lemon grass!.
Dice the ginger finely (or just slice it thinly against the grain)!.
For the lime - Use a large lime instead of a couple small ones!.
That blends better!.
You only really need about 80% of the peel from a large lime!.
Now make a curry paste!.
Put everything into a blender!.
Blend on slow until all of the ingredients get chopped up!.
Then run the blender on high for at least a minute!.
Unless your blender is much better than mine it will take a while to break up the lime peel!.

This is the recipe I found for you!. Use your homemade curry and subsitute fresh shrimp stock for the fish sauce and just leave out any veggies you do not want (and/or tofu) and you should have it!



All you need to do then, is take several shrimp heads and put them in hot water!. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer for about 1 hour!. Add in 1 tsp!. salt!.
Strain the broth and viola -- shrimp stock!. Throw the shells from the body in too!.

Use about 2 cups water, uncovered, in a medium soup pot!.


Did you want a recipe for the whole curry too!?

Get 1 jar RED CURRY PASTE from your grocery store!. Near the Thai foods!. Most grocery's have it now!.

Put 2 spoonfuls of red curry paste, 1 T canola oil in a pan and stir around on medium heat!. Cook 1-2 mins!. Add 1 tsp!. turmeric and your concoction of peppers/lemon grass/etc!.
Add in 1 can coconut milk and stir!. You'll probably need 1 TSP or 2 TSP brown sugar!. Stir that in and heat!. Once heated, taste to see if you need more of anything!. It'll be hot -- don't worry, that will cook down some!. Let simmer and add in 1/2 cup shrimp stock & simmer!.
Add in your veggies!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
And your shrimp and cook over medium/high heat for another 4-5 mins or until the shrimp are cooked!.

Serve with rice or rice noodles!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just wing it!.!.!.a good/creative cook does that!.!.!.and I use clam broth for the stock!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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