Have you ever eaten with your hands?!

Question: Have you ever eaten with your hands!?
I mean a complete meal!. We were invited to a new neighbours house and they served us traditional food that was served on communal platters; no plates and no cutlery!. Excellent food but just a bit strange!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Oh yes,most of the time!.
Eating with our hands is 'a part' of our culture!.Its nothing to do with limited accessibility to modern cutleries!.
depending on the meal,the occasion and my mood,i use any of the following:
chopsticks; (any other!? then yes,that too :P)

But of course there is a wrong way of eating with your hands too just like with any other!. Never use both hands!. Bad habit!.

Our meal consists of rice and any veg/non-veg dish with all the acquired tastes add-ons :P and please note that the rice here is in lumps;not separated grains (kinda!.!.!.!.) so its very convenient to eat with your hands and not look messy!.
interesting!? Not strange anymore!?You're welcome :-)


Yeah & it has nothing to do with poverty!!! There are people who have cutlery but don't use it all the time esp with traditional dishes! I have read a research once that said that they found out that people who eat with their hands are psychologically more stable because of the touch unlike people who use metal to feed themselves!.
In Islam it's considered following the teachings of the prophet in being modest!.!.also don't forget that your ancestors did the same so it's not really that strange!Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes!.!.!. I'm Mexican and my mom's friend is Muslim from Bangladesh and they invited us over, they served rice, fish, chicken, and salad and they ate with their hands, they gave us forks because they know we are not used to eating with our hands but my sister and I decided it be kinda fun, so we did ate it with our hands, it was fun especially because we were sitting on the floor on top of a blanket, they said it was tradition!.!.!. it was a bit strange but a great new experienceWww@FoodAQ@Com

Not often!.

As long as your hands are clean beforehand, it's perfectly safe and acceptable!.

People of all cultures eat with there hands when it comes to sandwiches, burritos, apples, tacos, chicken drum stick, chips, finger foods, toast, peeled oranges, carrots, grapes!.!.!.!.!.

Yes!. Eating a whole meal with my hands only is occasional!.
We were once invited to a teacher's home for lunch and we ate some dishes with cutlery and some with our hands ---something to reflect their inter-racial marriage Sri Lankan and white Australian!. Delicious in any case!.

Then again, some people at various times thought eating with chopsticks weird!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Indians and Malay people use their hands to eat for all rice-based meals and are adept at it!. One will observe they stick out their tongues to receive the lump of food from their right hands; i was told that the left is used for cleansing themselves in the toilets hence would be 'dirty' inappropriate to use when feeding!.

I ate Indian meals served on a tear of banana leaf during my travels in S E Asia and found it to be primitive, clumsy and impractical considering that some of the food items were too hot to handle by hand!. The oily nature of the curries too made it very messy and after awhile the food looked unappetizing - refined dining it is not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you know what i loved reading all the people responds and their experiences with eating with their hands!!! really good questions it got a lot of answers!!! and now for my answer!.!.!.!.!

so many people answered this question but some of them are partially wrong or just plain out WRONG!!! but yes many cultures do eat with their hands but because of poverty because it taste better when eating with hands and you can hold the food with your hand better then you can when you eat with a fork or spoon!.!.!.
actually many cultures!.!.!.eat with their hands!.!.!. it is not really that weird for a foriegn person to invite people to eat with their hands!.!. that is probably why they didnt give you a spoon and fork because they might have thought that you were used to it like they were!.!.!.
hope i helped

Yep - I spent a while in Southern India and there's not many knives or forks there! Just make sure you always wash your hands before eating (even if you don't think you need to - it's the polite and hygienic thing to do), and always use your right hand!. Just use the fingertips as well, using your whole hand like a shovel is a bit inappropriate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I went to Las Vegas a few years back!. At the Excalibur hotel/casino, they have a King Arthur based dinner attraction!. All the food there is eaten with your hands!. They serve soup in a mug, and the rest of the meal you go for with hand only-no utensils!. It was kind of strange, but I suppose they were playing off the fact that in Medieval times that was how things were done!. I didn't mind too much as the food was pretty good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm indian!.!.so i generally eat with my hands!.!.at home!.!.its part of many cultures!.!.and it does not necessarily mean thay are poor!.!.

But really!.!.It depends on what i'm eating!.!.if its my own indian rice or bread based dishes i'm eating!.!.then i usually use my hands if i'm home or a fork n a spoon if i'm out!.!.but if its noodle based then i use chopsticks!.!.but if its chicken cultets or steaks i use a knive and a fork!.!.

But generally i dun use my hands to eat when i'm outside coz washing up is abit inconvenient!.!.and well!.!.if its a place where everyone uses cutlery!.!.using my hands will be abit awkward for me!.!.hahaha!.!.

But generally!.!.alot of asian cultures use hand to eat!.!.nothing really strange about it!.!.just a new experience for u :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

what kind of food did they serve you !?
If it was foods with some sort of bread or covering
then I wouldnt think it was weird!.
A lot of foods are eaten with your hands such as
Corn on the cob
Hot dogs
and many other things!.
I dont think it would be strange!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Many cultures where they're less fortunate than ours, as in, have less money, they've just ate that way for a long time!. It is strange at first but you begin to see that silverware and cutlery is pretty unnecessary!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Almost sort of the Asian countries have this culture!. That's not strange at all!. As we said, "While in Rome, do as the Romans do!."Www@FoodAQ@Com

Only french fries, pizza and sandwiches!. It is strange but heck as long as it was dry, sold food and every ones hands were clean!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I used to live in sri lanka where it is quite normal!. Everybody eats with there hands there its tradition!. At 1st its yuuk, but you get used to itWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah,some foods you have to like hambugers,you wouldn't eat it with any thing else,well normal people would'tWww@FoodAQ@Com

All the time!.
some comunities have this system!. respect it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes it is part of filipino cultureWww@FoodAQ@Com

only a sandwhichWww@FoodAQ@Com

It's done in lots of cultures!. I would be game to try it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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