A pickled fish in a jar? Minnesota cuisine? ?!

Question: A pickled fish in a jar!? Minnesota cuisine!? !?
Hi!.!. My dad was from Minnesota (dead now) but I never heard him talk about lutefisk (LOL)

BUT before I became vegetarian (at age 10) we DID like to sit together (dad and I) and enjoy some kind of vinegary fish from a glass jar!. It was really good eaten with crackers (saltines) Is that a Minnesota thing, because I've not seen that pickled fish where I live now!. I remember it having streaks of grey and white!.

What kind of fish could it have been!. I"m curious!. !.

He also liked Pickled Pigs feet, but I never ate that (never ate pork even when I ate meat)

Anyway, I wanted to know if this is a kind of minnesota cultural dish, and what it would be called, technically!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

That was a pickled herring!. I dont eat it myself my friends love it and they always say that the best pickled herring is polish, german and sweedish!.
They literally drive to another state to get their pickled herring supplies!.lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

It could be a Jewish food called Gefilte Fish!. I'm also a vegetarian so I don't personally eat it, but during Jewish holidays like Passover and sometimes the High Holidays (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) it's eaten!. It's served in some restaurants up north, and not eaten only by Jews so maybe this is what you had!?
Do you remember if maybe it looked something like this: http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/acidosis314!.!.!.
It's kind of a lump of fish!.!.!.!.I guess you could say that haha Www@FoodAQ@Com

Lutefisk is "cured" in lye before it is pickled I think!.

Pickled Herring is just pickled in a salt brine!.

If I remember correctly, you can use just about any type of white fleshed fish for this!. Things like salmon and tuna would not be appropriate for pickling and are much better smoked!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I grew up on the eastern side of North Dakota and the south western side of Minnesota!.!.!.I know about lutefisk all too well and pickled herring!.!.!.It is a Norwegian thing!.!.!.most of the immigrants from back in the day were Norwegian that migrated to the Dakotas and Minnesota!.!.!.Where I live now we don't have anything like that but I will always remember we had a dinner once a year that was lutefisk at our church!.!.!.!.This question makes me miss the area and my family even more :(Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think that's a Norwegian kind of thing!. I live in Wisconsin and we have pickled herring!. And we do the same thing, eat it on saltines!. They are pieces of fish so maybe that's what it is!. They sell it in grocery stores and they are grey and white!. And it does taste vinegary!. Not sure if i helped or not!. Lutafisk is a technical term for it!.!.!.not sure if there is other name for it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

it is pickled herring which is different than lutefisk!. Lutefisk is Norwegian!. Lutefisk is dried codfish that is soaked in a lye solution to rehydrate it!. It is then cooked and now has a jello like consistency!. it was brought over by the Norwegian immigrants!. Herring is literally pickled, in a brine of vinegar and spices to preserve it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Was it pickled herring!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

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