I don't know much about curry but I'm going out for one tomorrow - help!?!

Question: I don't know much about curry but I'm going out for one tomorrow - help!!?
I'm going for a curry with some friends tomorrow night, but I actually haven't done it before and don't really know anything about curry, and I don't want to look like an idiot!
I don't like spicy!.
Can anyone tell me what curries are mild and good for beginners, and any other information I might want to know going to a curry house!. also roughly how much is it going to cost me!?
Thank you!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Korma, mild and creamy, great for beginners!. Chicken Tikka Masalas are great for beginners!. But I recommend the Korma!.

You'll be hooked in no time - I am!

Prices from £5-£9, depends on the curry house!.

Enjoy! I want a bloody curry now :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ok Beti(Hindi term meaning young girl)

Stay away from vindaloo, marsala, tikka!.
Anything with those words in it, don't eat, they're very spicy

You want a nice mild tandoori chicken, a slight curry with reddish hue, don't let the color fool you it ain't hot
It goes well with basmati rice or chicken biryani(a sort of fried rice indian style)
Ask for the non spicy sauces

Try samosas, a fried veggie appetizer( delicious)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Chicken korma is a very mild, sweet creamy curry which is ideal for beginners! also Chicken tikka masala is pretty mild!.

Most menus will tell you underneath each item a bit about it, and will tell you approximately how spicy it will be!. And then get rice to go with it, or a naan bread (or you could share half and half with a friend)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Probably one of the mildest currys that you can get is a Korma!. I think they do lamb or chicken!. This is a creamy sauce which is not spicy!. It's a bit difficult to guess how much it is going to cost as this varies between different curry house's!. also this depends on what you order and how much you all drink!. I would say no more than £20!. With £20, you should be able to get a main dish, a rice, bread and a few drinks!.
I love curry but I never order a starter as it is a very filling meal and i just never have room for it all!. I prefer to save myself for the main course!. Just something to bear in mind!.!.!.!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

if you don't like anything spicy go for a Chicken Korma which is sold at every Indian!. Rice is usually sold separately and you have a choice of whether to have it plain or with meat veg etc!. The meal on its own usually costs £10-15 pounds but if you want desserts/drinks/starters etc your probably looking at more!Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you don't like spicy don't get red or green curry because these are the spicier versions!. "Yellow" curry is not too spicy I think you would be fine with it!. Otherwise just add a lot of rice to your dish!. It depends on what kind of restaurant you are going to for how expensive it will be!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

curries come in varying styles and textures but the main base of the sauce his the same but all the curries house does his put different spices to the balti so ask for a curry without chillies and you will be fine if you would like to know how to make a secret restaurant balti sauce recipe vist http://howtocookabalti!.blogspot!.comWww@FoodAQ@Com

What exactly is there to know about curries!? Ask the waiter for a mild curry, menus do have prices in them, prices also depend on the quality of the restaurant!.

Don't forget you can always do a runner after eating!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends what sort of curry you're going for!. Indian!? A nice mild one is Mattar Paneer (delicious with naan)!. The cost will depend on where you live!. Where I am in Aus, the local Indian restaurant charges about $16-$25 for a curry (depending on what's in it, meat or vegetarian)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Chicken Kurma!.!.!.!.!. very mild coconut sauce!.!.!. very popular!.!.!. and my fav still!. But for starters try paneer!.!.!. its a mild beautiful indian cheese!.!.!. cooked in many different ways!.!. best from a tandoor oven!.!.!.!. and if the table is getting naan bread!.!.!. pashwari is nice if you like cocunut, or agarlic one can be good!.!.!.!.!. what ever you do dont have the kulfi (spelling!.!.!.!.!. it mutant icecream!) Have fun!.!. and if you are lucky enough to have some Indian friends who know better!.!. trust them!.!.!. it is food and food is fun!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think a light tomato-based curry with turmeric,ginger,garlic,
onion,potato,salt(as per taste) would be good !.As far as "going to a curry house" is concerned it depends on where you live what is it's currency!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell the waiter that you want a mild curry!. It is really delicious!. The price depends on how upscale the restaurant is!. You can call the restaurant and ask!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

chicken tikka masala is very good for beginners!.!.
not hot at all!.!. plus its gorgeous :)

depends where your living, so dunno how much it wouold cost you!.!.
if in the UK, shud be about £5
ireland, about €8


Tell the waiter that you cannot eat spicy food because of a stomach ulcer!.
Ask that he suggest an alternative!.

Go for a nice sweet, non-spicy korma!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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