What's better: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai or Vietnamese food?!

Question: What's better: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai or Vietnamese food!?
vietnamese and thaiWww@FoodAQ@Com

I like Chinese!.!.!. Chinese food can be traced as early as 5000 years ago!.
In ancient chinese, government officials are experimenting different type of dishes that they would be offering to the emperors!. They have experiment different dishes, from those simple dishes to all those priceless ingredient!. Although some of them are so wild, that they get it from different types of animals!. There is one dish that i remember, its made of bear paw!. Although, nowadays, you cannot see it anymore!. Because of wild life protection program that are followed through out the world!.

Chinese dishes, nowadays, are composed of different type!. Since China is so huge, different provinces has different type of dishes!. This is because to their different type of culture and the ingredient availability!. Cantonese has been one of the most outstanding dishes among Chinese dishes!. Mainly because Hong Kong, which is part of the Canton Province are governed by British Government before!. And since then, it was introduced to the world!.

In early years, people in China are suffering because of the poor economic condition!. It was only this past few years that China has economic BOOM! So, in the early years, people from mainland China has one dream!. They dreamed of going to Hong Kong to have more stable living, and hoping to earn bigger income!. Since then, people from Mainland China came to Hong Kong, bringing their cultural taste, integrating it to offer it to people in Hong Kong People!.

Since Hong Kong, has good economic performance, standard of living is rising!. And one that followed, is their taste for food!. Different people from all walks of life are coming to Hong Kong, and Hong Kong people are sending their chief to different country, just to improve their skills for cooking!.

So, what's better than Chinese Food!?

Maybe its a debate, because different people has different preference when it comes to food!. Some like it sweet, some like it salty!. Depending on your palate!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

That can only be answered subjectively, and is a matter of personal opinion, however if we rate it on which foods are most popular as an export, Chinese meals have been adopted more than any of the other forms!.

Most Eastern food types you have mentioned share similar traits, and involve many more spices than traditional western foods!. You might want to make your decision based on your favorite meats, for example Fish is often considered especially good in Japanese restaurants, and if you like pork, Chinese is a good option!.

Why not try them all!? to be honest they are all great!
(or just have an Indian, that's my favorite!)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Whatever you like better!. You'd have to try them all, and within that different dishes, to get a good opinion on what you like!. Recommendations from close friends might help too!.
Personally, I like Chinese broccoli and eggrolls, Japanese sushi, and Vietnamese soup!. I have never tried Korean or Thai food, but hope to soon!.
Good luck! Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on what I have a taste for at that moment!. I love all those cuisines but I'm not always in the mood for them all the time!. They are all different and sometimes I just don't feel like eating X but do feel like having Y!. And sometimes I even want Z which isn't even on the list!. Thankfully, I have access to all of these foods in my neighborhood so I can satisfy my cravings!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I prefer Thai, but I like a variety of Asian dishes of all types!. I love Ginger Chicken (Thai) and Hibachi-style Salmon (Japanese)!. Those are my favorites!. Some Chinese dishes are too oily, but I like Chicken w/ Broccoli or Chicken w/ Mixed Vegetables and Black Bean Sauce!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on what you're hankering for!. They're all so different!. My favorite is probably Thai and my least favorite is probably Japanese!. I prefer stronger flavors, so Japanese is a bit too bland for me!.


I love all of them but my favorite would be:
I eat all of these but I eat Chinese and Vietnamese the most because my parents are Viet-ChineseWww@FoodAQ@Com

I love all!.!.this is my order of preference:


IMO, in this order:


But they're all good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Chinese food has everything and their food taste delicious!.

It depends what mood I'm in!. I like them all!. It is good to try new cuisine with someone who has had that type of food before!.

I like:


Vietnamese is my favorite!. They also have great baked goods!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Japanese, because it's the healthiest!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

In order:

chinese :D woooooWww@FoodAQ@Com

japanese nd koreanWww@FoodAQ@Com



Personally, I like Chinese and Thai food best!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I really love them allWww@FoodAQ@Com

i like chinese because i like rice (i dont like sushi)!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

chinese Www@FoodAQ@Com


Depends exactly on what you're eating!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Whichever one someone else is paying for :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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