Bizarre ethnic foods (Andrew Zimmern) show?!

Question: Bizarre ethnic foods (Andrew Zimmern) show!?
Andrew Zimmern has eaten all the following foods on his TV show "Bizarre Foods" on the travel channel!.
Frog sashimi (plus the beating frog's heart), lizard sake, fugu, turtle, Kobe beef, bird's nest soup, frog ovary soup, spirulina, bat, Belacan!.Balut, yam and cheese-flavor ice cream in a bun, water crickets, soup no!. 5 (bull's rectum and testicles soup), coconut grubs, mangrove worms!. Lamb tongue and eye, cow’s heart, stuffed pancreas, cuttlefish, poached calf’s brain, pigeon pie!. Guinea pig, empanada, cow's stomach, lining, and heart, lemon ants, piranha, coconut grubs, chicha!. Andrew participated in a cleansing ritual!. Suckling pig, baby eels, pig ears, bull testicles, deep-fried worms, horchata, rooster comb, pine and seaweed gelees!.Nutria, squirrel, Turducken, boudin, opossum, chitterlings, 33 oysters, alligator, grouper throat, flathead mullet, roe!. Haggis, pheasant, cockles and whelks, jugged hare, jellied eels, head cheese, ox heart and bone marrow, pie and mash, pigeon!. Iguana, conch, souse, pig's feet, cow heel soup, callaloo, shark sandwich, King mackerel sashimi!.Octopus, grasshopper (chapulines) pizza, armadillo, mosquito eggs, chicken feet, mole and duck enchilada!. Beluga and Bowhead whale muktuk (fermented blubber), spruce tea, Eskimo ice cream, whitefish, fermented fish heads, seal soup, walrus, jellied moose nose, reindeer pizza, ptarmigan!. Andrew goes on a sled dog tour!. Stinky tofu, unborn chicken eggs, cockscomb, chicken uterus, fermented meat, black-bone chicken testicles, fried bees!.Tongue sandwich, geoduck, live lobster, ceviche, pupusas, worm pretzels, maggot pupae, tarantula pops, teriyaki cockroaches, jellyfish salad, sea cucumber salad, goose intestine, frog congee, salo!. Cobra parts including beating heart and dried bones, civet dropping coffee, pig's ears, silk worms, scorpions, roasted sparrows, bull penis, horseshoe crab!. Andrew also visits a fish sauce factory!. Cicada, seahorse, sea urchin, donkey rib and tail stew and skin, dried tree lizard, sea cucumber, camel paw, pig stomach, dao jiao, snake penis, fried deer penis, yak penis, whelk over dry ice!. Hákarl, grilled puffin, slátur (a type of blood pudding) skyr, lamb hot dog, geothermal cooking: langoustine!. Vobla, borscht, cow's tongue, kvas, herring blini, salo, pickled lamprey, brown bear meat, caviar, shashlik!. Pig's foot, lutefisk, reuben on a stick, spaghetti and meatballs on a stick, gator on a stick, teriyaki ostrich on a stick, wild boar's liver, brain, and testicles, venison, sauerkraut pie, deep fried chicken gizzard, goober burger (with peanut butter and mayonnaise), herring roe!. Lamb kidneys, tripe, bull penis soup, all-organ dish, llama brain and tongue, carpaccio, pickled pig's feet, lamb jerky, chitterlings, mocochinchi (peach juice with cinnamon), llama jerky, chu?o, mangosteen, armadillo, feral pig, quinoa, Titicaca Orestias!. Abalone, Pacific razor clams, cow udder, braided intestines, blood sausage, lúcuma juice, donkey milk, cow's butt sandwich, barnacles, mussels, seaweed, horse, conger eel, live sea squirt, fresh bull testicle and scrotum stew, lamb's blood pudding!. Grilled squid, dim sum with chicken feet, stuffed duck's feet, stir-fried milk with shrimp, turtle soup, pigeon, scorpion, suckling pig, jellyfish salad, worm and hairy crab roe omelet, wood ear, frog legs, 60 meter long noodle, stinkhorn, hairy gourd, starfish being used for decoration!. Pomfret, lentil, brain curry, mutton liver and kidney stew, tandoori roti, goat and lamb testicles, paneer, boiled banana flower, banana plant stem, fruit sandwich, pani puri, lassi, mutton balls, gushtaba, chapati!. Fried grasshoppers, pork liver and beef stomach & intestine soups, coconut balls, strechched squid, stuffed mackerel, wasp larvae, stir-fried stingray, mole crabs, wasabi-, chili-, and tom yum-flavored cashews and cashew apple juice at a cashew factory, red weaver ants, forest lizards, fish stomach sauce, deep-fried fish skin, horseshoe crab, sea whelk!. Tuna sperm, sea snail, pasta with squid ink, artichoke gelato, beef spleen sandwich, Cow urine tonic, Vindaloo Bombay Duck,sea cucumber intestines, raw tuna heart and eyeballs, fruit bat, whole pig cooked in 'umu oven, fruit bat roasted on coconut husks, wild chicken, roasted tree grubs, giant clam eaten raw!. snail caviar, cow's head snack, truffles, pressed duck with duck sauce and marrow, bacon and eggs ice cream, rabbit livers, sea urchin, visits a mustard shop and tries a variety of mustards, visits Paris's best cheese shop, wild pigeon!. scorpions on toast, south american ants on string potatoes, wheat grass extract, menudo, huitlacoche, nopales, burgers made of ground-up sesame seeds, shrimp sashimi, monk fish, a shot containing sea urchin roe, a raw quail egg, and some spicy sauce, Peking duck, fermented "bread water", sea worm lettuce wrap, a "hot-dog" burrito, fried chicken testicles, slow cooked baby pig, baby pig eyeballs, cockscombs!.
The thing that is difficult for meWww@FoodAQ@Com

I am a former chef and have lived and worked in several country's, and amazingly I have had alot of the same things in your list, even tried fried frog skin with a fermented anchovy dip in Thailand, Bugs of many types and many other things even had the whale blubber and Muktuk, and as for dislikes only undercooked foods and things not properly seasoned!.in fact when I worked in Singapore I happen to have fallen in love with durian, I could not get enough!.

I eat "Natto" on a regular basis, the only thing I had trouble with was the fetal duck egg in Vietnam, not much else, even the snake wine was a kick!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Answer #1 - Durian
Answer #2 - DurianWww@FoodAQ@Com

#1!. Durian
#2!. Everything you listedWww@FoodAQ@Com

1!.spiky/prickly fruit (durian

1 = Durian
#2 = Large Raw Salmon Fish Eggs - Salmon Roe Sushi!. Those Large ones I don't like it when I bite it & it just burst in the mouth with so much fishy juices its over whelming!. don't like it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

is my favorite tv show,i always get hungry watchin zimmerm eat all kinds of food,i know some are gross and is just for entertainment but i really like the spain food part,the chile and peru and mexican,also the one in southern USA, asia and pacific islands really good food,
i eat alot of thing that no ordinary people will eat specially from seafoodWww@FoodAQ@Com

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